
出版时间:2008-10  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:张卫东,丁国声 主编  页数:310  


  本教材主要适用于已完成基础阶段学习的高等学校理工科本科生,为应用提高阶段的必修课和选修课教材,也可用作研究生教学或工程技术人员的外语培训教材。  全套教材由专业教师和英语教师合作编写而成。它以英国语言学家H.G.Widdowson的交际法理论为依据,着重解决语言运用能力的培养问题,使学生将基础已掌握的英语语言知识和技能在自己的专业领域中得到进一步实践和应用,从而达到以英语为工具获取和交流信息的教学目的。  本书是为电气与电子工程及相关专业本科生编写的专业英语(SBE)教材。 全书分20个单元,每单元由Reading and Comprehension,Reading and Practice和Reading and Translation 3部分组成。书后附Glossary供查阅。课文选材面向21世纪,力求反映时代特色,并摘自国外原版教材、文选、论著、会议论文、实用文件和报刊等。内容涉及电气与电子工程及相关专业的基本物理概念、基础工程知识、发展简史、重大发明创造、人物传记、重要组织机构简介以及学科发展动向等。   本书阅读总量约100000词,总生词 量约1000。授课时教师应注重对学生进行读、听、写、说、译综合技能的训练和交际能力的培养。学生宜在课前做好预习。由于阅读量和练习量较大,教师可按学生的实际情况安排教学,对教材进行有选择的使用。


UNIT ONE Reading and Comprehension     Electrical Engineering: An Overview Reading and Practice     The Electronic Age Reading and Translation     ElectricityUNIT TWO Reading and Comprehension     New Device Concepts: Where Do They Fit In? Reading and Practice     The Power Diode Reading and Translation     Digital LogicUNIT THREE Reading and Comprehension     Power and Energy Reading and Practice     Sources of Energy Reading and Translation     Power System VoltageUNIX FOUR Reading and Comprehension     Power Electronics -- Keeping Pace with Society Reading and Practice     Power Electronic Converters Reading and Translation     Introduction to Power ElectronicsUNIT FIVE Reading and Comprehension      Computer Control (I) Reading and Practice      Computer Control (II) Reading and Translation      Plant-Wide Supervision and ControlUNIT SIX Reading and Comprehension      Equipment Used at Substations Reading and Practice      Power Transmission and Distribution Reading and Translation      Potential Power SourcesUNIT SEVEN Reading and Comprehension     How Powerful Can Microchips Be? Reading and Practice     How Small Can an Electrical Circuit Be? Reading and Translation     Where Will Nanotechnology Take Us?UNIT EIGHT Reading and Comprehension    A Significant Shift to Solid-State Digital Techniques Reading and Practice    The Classification of Control Techniques Reading and Translation    Control Systems EngineeringUNIT NINE Reading and Comprehension     Definition of Intelligence Reading and Practice      Intelligent Control Perspective (I) Reading and Translation     Intelligent Control Perspective (II)UNIT TEN Reading and Comprehension      AC-DC Converters Reading and Practice     The Inverters Reading and Translation     ChoppersUNIT ELEVEN Reading and Comprehension     The CAPM/CAE Interface Within the CIM System Approaches in Medi-um-Sized Companies Reading and Practice      Modern Manufacturing Systems Reading and Translation      The Future: Information-Based ManufacturingUNIT TWELVE Reading and Comprehension      Overview of Fiber Sensor Developments Reading and Practice     Advantages of Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement Reading and Translation     Sensors and InstrumentationUNIT THIRTEEN Reading and Comprehension     Measurement Systems Reading and Practice     Instruments Reading and Translation    The Nature of DataUNIT FOURTEEN   Reading and Comprehension     Signals, Systems, and Signal Processing Reading and Practice     Digital Signal Processing System Reading and Translation      Speech CodingUNIT FIFTEEN Reading and Comprehension    Historical Development of Communication (I) Reading and Practice    Historical Development of Communication (II) Reading and Translation    Data CommunicationsUNIT SIXTEEN Reading and Comprehension    Bermuda Triangle: Myth or Reality? (I) Reading and Practice     Bermuda Triangle: Myth or Reality? (II) Reading and Translation    Rover Finds Evidence of WaterUNIT SEVENTEEN Reading and Comprehension    Communication Practices Unique to the Gulf War (I) Reading and Practice    Communication Practices Unique to the Gulf War (II) Reading and Translation    Electro-Optics TechnologyUNIT EIGHTEEN Reading and Comprehension    Robotics Reading and Practice     Robot Reading and Translation     Advanced Robotic TechnologyUNIT NINETEEN Reading and Comprehension    A Brief History of the Electronic Car Reading and Practice    The Car of Today Reading and Translation     If We Can Send a Man to the Moon, Why Can't We Make a Decent Electric Car?UNIT TWENTY Reading and Comprehension    Michael Faraday and the Classical Field Theory Reading and Practice    James Clerk Maxwell and the Electromagnetic Field Reading and Translation    Heike Kamerlingh Onnes and SuperconductivityGLOSSARY



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