
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:Oscar De Los Santos David G.Mead  页数:142  


  继《漫游科学天地,解读生命奥秘》(QuestionsofScience,AnswerstoLife,上海外语教育出版社,2004年)之后,美国科普作家OscarDeLOSSantos又向中国读者隆重推出《浩然奇境》科幻小说系列。  在这套系列里,作者以其厚实的功底,独特的视角,丰富的想象,潇洒生动的笔触,引导读者在无尽的时间、空间里漫游,展示宇宙和生命的浩繁、绮丽和奥秘,融知识、娱乐、启迪于每一篇故事中。系列中的每一部作品既有自己独立的主题,又相互关联,组成一个个连绵不断、意趣无穷的浩然奇境。




  Oscar De Los Santos, Ph. D.Oscar De Los Santos is Chair of the Department of Writing atWestern Connecticut State University. His books includeHardboiled Egg (short stories ), Spirits of Texas and NewEngland (folklore stories), and Reel Rebels (an edited collectionof film essays). He also co-edited When Genres Collide (sciencefiction essays) with Thomas J. Morrissey. Oscars stories andessays have appeared in New York Review of Science Fiction,Extrapolation, Connecticut Review, and Saranac Review.  David G. Mead, Ph.Ddavid Mead is Professor of English and Chair of the EnglishDepartment at Texas A & M University Corpus Christi. He is theauthor of An Encyclopedia of Jack Vance, 20th Century ScienceFiction Writer. He reviews regularly for the New York Review ofScience Fiction and the Science Fiction Research AssociationsSFRA Review. He is a past President and past Treasurer of theScience Fiction Research Association. He holds the M.A. and Ph. Din English from the University of Florida.


ForewordPrisoner of the PelotonForever FertileLovetapsA Night at the Space OperaCold FusionThink TankThe Second Coming


  Just then, two of Jays team managers walked into the bar,and seeing Jay drinking his wine, made him go up to bed. Hed havesome work to do tomorrow, to help his leader get through. Thenext stage would be another scorcher, another day across the hotmiddle of France. Another day in the peloton for Jay.   Please dont forget my invitation, Monsieur. I will see you in Toulouse. We can talk some more."





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