
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:黄源深  页数:217  




Unit 1 Meeting PeoplePart one Preparing for the tasksⅠ. ListeningⅡ. SpeakingⅢ. ReadingⅣ. Summing upPart two Performing the tasksTask 1: Meeting someone at the airportTask 2: Introducing people to each otherPart three Polishing your skills1. Listening2. Reading3. Making a conversation4. TranslationPart four Language and cultureⅠ. Language focusⅡ. Culture notesⅢ. Checklist of vocabularyⅣ. Checklist of sentence patternsPart five For further developmentⅠ. ListeningⅡ. ReadingPart six The joy of EnglishUnit 2 Thanking PeoplePart one Preparing for the tasksⅠ. ListeningⅡ. SpeakingⅢ. ReadingⅣ. Summing upPart two Performing the tasksTask 1: Thanking someone for being invited to a dinner partyTask 2: Thanking someone for having taken good care of youPart three Polishing your skills1. Listening2. Reading3. Making a conversation4. TranslationPart four Language and cultureⅠ. Language focusⅡ. Culture notesⅢ. Checklist of vocabularyⅣ. Checklist of sentence patternsPart five For further developmentⅠ. ListeningⅡ. ReadingPart six The joy of EnglishUnit 3 Making ApologiesPart one Preparing for the tasksⅠ. ListeningⅡ. SpeakingⅢ. ReadingⅣ. Summing upPart two Performing the tasksTask 1: Apologizing for mistakes made at workTask 2: Writing a letter of apology to a clientPart three Polishing your skills1. Listening2. Reading3. Making a conversation4. TranslationPart four Language and cultureⅠ. Language focusⅡ. Culture notesⅢ. Checklist of vocabularyⅣ. Checklist of sentence patternsPart five For further developmentⅠ. ListeningⅡ. ReadingPart six The joy of EnglishUnit 4 Asking for PermissionPart one Preparing for the tasksⅠ. ListeningⅡ. SpeakingⅢ. ReadingⅣ. Summing upPart two Performing the tasksTask 1: Asking to try on clothes before buying themTask 2: Negotiating rent for a flatPart three Polishing your skills1. Listening2. Reading3. Making a conversation4. TranslationPart four Language and cultureⅠ. Language focusⅡ. Culture notesⅢ. Checklist of vocabularyⅣ. Checklist of sentence patternsPart five For further developmentⅠ. ListeningⅡ. ReadingPart six The joy of EnglishRevision Ⅰ(Units 1-4)Ⅰ. Functions1. Review the basic sentence patterns2. Review these other sentence structures3. Review the phrasal expressions4. Review the eight tasksⅡ. Usage1. Listening comprehension2. Vocabulary3. Grammar4. Speaking5. Translation6. Reading comprehensionUnit 5 Expressing Wishes and CongratulationsPart one Preparing for the tasksⅠ. ListeningⅡ. SpeakingⅢ. ReadingⅣ. Summing upPart two Performing the tasksTask 1 : Expressing wishesTask 2: Congratulating someonePart three Polishing your skills1. Listening2. Reading3. TranslationPart four Language and cultureⅠ. Language focusⅡ. Culture notesⅢ. Checklist of vocabularyⅣ. Checklist of sentence patternsPart five For further developmentⅠ. ListeningⅡ. ReadingPart six The joy of EnglishUnit 6 Making RequestsPart one Preparing for the tasksⅠ. ListeningⅡ. SpeakingⅢ. ReadingⅣ. Summing upPart two Performing the tasksTask 1: Asking someone to buy something for a dinner partyTask 2: Asking someone to help buy a takeaway lunchPart three Polishing your skills1. Listening2. Reading3. Making a conversation4. TranslationPart four Language and cultureⅠ. Language focusⅡ. Culture notesⅢ. Checklist of vocabularyⅣ. Checklist of sentence patternsPart five For further developmentⅠ. ListeningⅡ. ReadingPart six The joy of EnglishUnit 7 Extending an InvitationPart one Preparing for the tasksⅠ. ListeningⅡ. SpeakingⅢ. ReadingⅣ. Summing upPart two Performing the tasksTask 1: Inviting someone to afternoon teaTask 2: Accepting/Declining a dinner invitationPart three Polishing your skills1. Listening2. Reading3. Making a conversation4. TranslationPart four Language and cultureⅠ. Language focus11. Culture notesⅢ. Checklist of vocabularyⅣ. Checklist of sentence patternsPart five For further developmentⅠ. ListeningⅡ. ReadingPart six The joy of EnglishUnit 8 Saying GoodbyePart one Preparing for the tasksⅠ. ListeningⅡ. SpeakingⅢ. ReadingⅣ. Summing upPart two Performing the tasksTask 1: Saying goodbye after visiting someones homeTask 2: Seeing someone off at the airportPart three Polishing your skills1. Listening2. Reading3. Making a conversation4. TranslationPart four Language and cultureⅠ. Language focusⅡ. Culture notesⅢ. Checklist of vocabularyⅣ. Checklist of sentence patternsPart five For further developmentⅠ. ListeningⅡ. ReadingPart six The joy of EnglishRevision Ⅱ(Units 5-8)Ⅰ. Functions1. Review the basic sentence patterns2. Review these other sentence structures3. Review the phrasal expressions4. Review the eight tasksⅡ. Usage1. Listening comprehension2. Vocabulary3. Grammar4. Speaking5. Translation6. Reading comprehensionKey to WorkbookGlossary



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