出版时间:2007-12 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:黄源深 页数:167
“新世纪大学英语系列教材”《阅读教程》是根据教育部高等教育司颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求》编写的,共分四册,供大学英语教学基础阶段使用,和《综合教程》、《视听说教程》、《写作教程》及《快速阅读》等一起,共同实现《大学英语课程教学要求》规定的“一般要求”的教学目标。 本教材力求体现以下特色: 1.紧扣《大学英语课程教学要求》,聚焦阅读课的中心任务,集中提高学生获取信息的能力和阅读理解能力,并让学生通过自主学习提高对四、六级考试阅读题的解题能力。 2.注重人文主义教育,通过选取生动有趣的故事,突出向善、向上、爱人、助人、乐观进取、服务社会等主题,使学生在学习语言的同时塑造自己的性格,发展健康的个性,提高自身素质。 3.注意为学生自主学习创造条件,除了注重课文的趣味性之外,还特别设计了Reading for Pleasure部分,提供小故事、小幽默、文字游戏等材料,使学生想读、爱读,以便养成阅读习惯。 4.注重跟踪学生的阅读理解能力,每个单元的结尾都有多道阅读理解自测题,并附有总分统计,方便学生随时自测,了解自己的阅读理解能力。 《阅读教程》力求完成《大学英语课程教学要求》所赋予的任务,在多门英语基础课中扮演好自己的角色。但理想和现实之间始终存在着矛盾,缺陷和疏漏永远是我们必须面对的事实,对这部教材来说也是如此。为此,我们诚恳地希望读者不吝指谬。
Unit 1Part Ⅰ Reading for InformationPre-Reading QuestionsText: Like the SunExercisesReading Strategies (1): Skimming and ScanningPart Ⅱ Reading for PleasureText: A Life ParableExercisesPart Ⅲ HomeworkEnjoy Your Reading: This Crazy LanguageTest Your ReadingUnit 2Part Ⅰ Reading for InformationPre-Reading QuestionsText: First LoveExercisesPart Ⅱ Reading for PleasureText: Return to ParadiseExercisesPart Ⅲ HomeworkEnjoy Your Reading: The Triple Filter TestTest Your ReadingUnit 3Part Ⅰ Reading for InformationPre-Reading QuestionsText: Here It Comes,There It GoesExercisesPart Ⅱ HomeworkEnjoy Your Reading: The Secret BoxTest Your ReadingUnit 4Part Ⅰ Reading for InformationPre-Reading QuestionsText: A Belated ValentineExercisesPart Ⅱ Reading for PleasureText: Thinking of YouExercisesPart Ⅲ HomeworkEnjoy Your Reading: A Mine in a ZooTest Your ReadingUnit 5Part Ⅰ Reading for InformationPre-Reading QuestionsText: Not Just Another RatExercisesPart Ⅱ Reading for PleasureText: Leaving My Ego at the DoorExercisesPart Ⅲ HomeworkEnjoy Your Reading: Big Man or Small ManTest Your ReadingUnit 6Part Ⅰ Reading for InformationPre-Reading QuestionsText: The Romance of MoneyExercisesPart Ⅱ Reading for PleasureText: The Model MillionairePart Ⅲ HomeworkEnjoy Your Reading: Clever or StupidTest Your ReadingUnit 7Part Ⅰ Reading for InformationPre-Reading QuestionsText: Don't Let It End This WayExercisesPart Ⅱ Reading for PleasureText: The BullyExercisesPart Ⅲ HomeworkEnjoy Your Reading: Modest RequirementsTest Your ReadingUnit 8Part Ⅰ Reading for InformationPre-Reading QuestionsText: Jim the Wonder DogExercisesPart Ⅱ Reading for PleasureText: Delayed DelieveryExercisesPart Ⅲ HomeworkEnjoy Your Reading: Do You Know Who I Am?Test Your ReadingAppendix Glossary
She leads a short life, but a very rich one. She wears many beautiful and expensive dresses, marvelous furs (皮草衣服) and jewels, and she is seen in the best stores. She has people to dress her and keep her face pretty. Still, even though she has thousands of admirers (仰慕者), she rarely smiles. Although she is beautiful, she rarely meets men of her own kind. She is, as you might have guessed, the mannequin (人体模型) who gazes dreamily from the windows of stores. Some of the people who design window displays think of mannequins only as objects to work with, but most of the people who make use of the figures call them by name. Although a mannequin has a number given to it by the manufacturer(厂商), it is very often known by the name of the woman who modeled for it. What the stores look for these days are interesting, rather than perfect faces. Like Sara Kapp's, for example. She is a professional (职业的) model whose look alike (极相似的人或物),produced by the Adel Rootstein company, is currently (现在) popular. Sara's long nose and her green eyes make her face unusual rather than beautiful. As fashions change, not only are there changes in faces, but changes in poses (姿势). The figures have become more realistic (逼真的). Until a few years ago, mannequins were made without toes. But now that open shoes have become popular, toes are necessary. "When pants were very popular, mannequins stood differently," says Candy Pratts, who directs window designers at Bloomingdale's, a large New York store. "Now they stand in a more relaxed (悠闲的) way better for dresses." ……