
出版时间:2007-2  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:张春柏  页数:302  


  《综合教程》高级阶段是《综合教程》基础阶段的延续,也分四册,本册为第六册,供英语专业三年级第二学期使用。 本书共有16个单元,每个单元由Text Ⅰ、Text Ⅱ和相关的练习构成。 本册课文内容广泛,涉及教育、语言、科技、文化、人生哲学、社会问题等;体裁多样,有叙述、记述、论说等;选材以当代作品为主,收入了部分19世纪至20世纪初的语言优美流畅、脍炙人口的经典散文。本书旨在让学生学习英语的同时,拓展视野,陶冶情操,提高素养。


UNIT 1Text Ⅰ Technology in ReverseText Ⅱ War on the FarmUmT 2Text Ⅰ A Class ActText Ⅱ To Build a Kingdom of LoveUNIT 3Text Ⅰ Bards of the lnternetText Ⅱ Always OnUNIT 4Text Ⅰ Disney World: Cities of Simulation as Postmodern UtopiasText Ⅱ  Las Vegas: Postmodern City of Casinos and SimulationUNIT 5Text Ⅰ What Are Our Real Values?Text Ⅱ American ValuesUNIT 6Text Ⅰ Matriculation FixationText Ⅱ Who Needs Harvard?UNIT 7Text Ⅰ A Few Kind Words for SuperstitionText Ⅱ The Fortune-TellerUNIT 8Text Ⅰ Being ThereText Ⅱ Cultural HabitsUNIT 9Text Ⅰ I'd Rather Be Black Than FemaleText Ⅱ Are Women Prejudiced Against Women?UNIT 10Text Ⅰ Two Truths to Live ByText Ⅱ Intoxicated by My IllnessUNIT 11Text Ⅰ How to Grow OldText Ⅱ Nearing 90UNIT 12Text Ⅰ If Black English Isn't a Language, Then Tell Me, What IsText Ⅱ Hyphenated ConfusionUNIT 3Text Ⅰ Sweet SeptemberText Ⅱ The Heart of the SeasonsUNIT 14Text Ⅰ My WoodText Ⅱ Town LifeUNIT5Text Ⅰ On ReadingText Ⅱ Why We ReadUNIT6Text Ⅰ FriendshipText Ⅱ American Friendship




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