
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:斯特姆斯基  页数:73  


《环球英语教程》是外教社从Thomson出版公司引进并重新建构的一套英语学习教材。该教材有以下四大特色:     英语知识学习与技能训练完美匹配。语法、词汇知识贯穿全书,并与语音训练紧密结合。单元A部分侧重听说,B部分侧重读写。    教学资源丰富。除学生用书和教师用书外,还配有录音磁带、录像教程以及网络资源。    教学、测试融为一体。试卷自动生成软件方便教师迅速生成各类测试试卷,及时准确评估学生学习情况。    注重跨文化交际。话题、情景设计以美语语境为主,辅以全球化背景,置英语学习于世界文化环境之中。    全套教程共分六级(入门和一到五级),分别针对初级到中、高级英语水平的青少年及成人学习者。本教程面向各级各类成人培训学校,也可供大学、高职高专师生选择使用。


Unit 1 What's the Story? Unit 1A:The story of my life Unit 1B:Tell me a story.Unit 2 Technology Unit 2A:Technostress Unit 2B:Techno-shoppingUnit 3 Personality Unit 3A:Are you a morning person? Unit 3B:What type are you?Unit 4 Make an Impact Unit 4A:Change your world Unit 4B:Take a standUnit 5 Believe It or Not Unit 5A:Mysterious disappearances Unit 5B:More mysteriesUnit 6 Today's Workplace Lesson A:Work issues Lesson B:Job choicesUnit 7 Does Crime Pay? Lesson A:Victimless crimes Lesson B:All kinds of criminalsUnit 8 Big Spender Lesson A:Are you a savvy saver? Lesson B:The global economyUnit 9 Family Matters Lesson A:Different types of families Lesson B:Families past and presentUnit 10 Travel&Vacation Lesson A:Tips & travel plans Lesson B:Where would you go?Unit 11 Men&Women Lesson A:An ideal date Lesson B:Breaking up is hard to do.Unit 12 Emergency! Lesson A:Do you know what to do? Lesson B:Natural disasters



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  •   当当的书,还是一如既往的好。。。。。。
  •   Not make full use of it.

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