出版时间:2006-6 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:斯特姆斯基 页数:63 字数:153000
《环球英语教程》是外教社从Thomson出版公司引进并重新建构的一套英语学习教材。该教材有以下四大特点: 英语知识学习与技能训练完美匹配。语法、词汇知识贯穿全书,并写语音训练紧密结合。单元A部分侧重听说,B部分侧重读写。 教学资源丰富。除学生用书和教师用书外,还配有录音磁带、录像教程以及网络资源。 教学、测试融为一体。试卷自动生成软件方便教师迅速生成各类测试试卷,及时准确评估学生学习情况。 注重跨文化交际。话题、情景设计以美语语境为主,辅以全球多元文化背景,置英语学习于世界文化环境之中。
Unit IA:Find a Roommate!Unit 1B:Describing RelativesUnit 2A:Find Out What's Happening.Unit 2B:Gesture CharadesUnit 3A:Do You Have an Egg?Unit 3B:My Country Has a Lot of...Unit 4A:Where's the Bank?Unit 4B:Shopping ListUnit 5A:Weather ConcentrationUnit 5B:Dragons, Lions, and SharksUnit 6A:She Likes People.Unit 6B:Caring for PetsUnit 7A:Find Someone WhoLikes...Unit 7B:Next Week's ScheduleUnit 8A:Who Is the Murderer?Unit 8B:When Did You StartLearning Enalish?Unit 9A:Find Someone WhoBegan...Unit 9B:Private InvestigatorsUnit IOA:Money and Party AdviceUnit 10B:I Take Taxis When...Unit llA:Could You See Anything?Unit liB:Why Did the Dog Say"Meow"?Unit 12A:The Teachers Are Amazing.Unit 12B:When Are You Leaving?Crossword: Review of Units 1-3Crossword: Review of Units 4-6Crossword: Review of Units 7-9Crossword: Review of Units 10-12Crossword: Review of Units 1-12