
出版社:单墫 长春出版社 (2013-05出版)  


第一部分 知识·规律·方法 一语音 二词汇 三语法 四功能意念项目表 五话题项目表 第二部分 范例·解析·拓展  一听力 二单项选择 三完形填空 四阅读理解 五句型转换 六动词填空 七翻译 八智力测试 九书面表达 第三部分 检测·反馈·应用 一单项选择 二完形填空 三阅读理解 四句型转换 五动词填空 六翻译 七智力测试 八书面表达


版权页:   插图:   People used to say:" Behind every successful man there's awoman." Some women still like making their husbands and sons successful. But some women want more for themselves. They wantgood jobs. When they work, they want good pay. They want to beas successful as men. Today the best jobs are still given to men. Even whenwomen do the same work, they are often paid less than men.Women want these things changed. The women's liberation movement was started by womenwho didn't want to stand behind successful men. They wanted tostand beside men, with the same chance for success. The move-ment is quite new, and many American women do not agree withits purposes (目的). But it has already made several changes inwomen's lives-and in men's lives, too. ( )1.The sentence "Behind every successful man there is awoman" means A. there is a woman standing behind every successful man B.women's support to men is the most important factor(因素) of men's success C. every success depends on both a man and a woman D. men can't be successful without women ( )2.The second paragraph tells us want to be as successful as a man. A. all women B. every woman C. not all women D. not every woman ( ) 3.Which of the following still exists in the US today? A. Men can get the best jobs but women can't. B. Women can't get equal pay for equal work.





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