出版时间:2008-10 出版社:上海教育出版社 作者:刘砚 主编 页数:207 字数:337000
目前高中英语教学中各类学校采用了不同种类的教材(国家、各省市),但相对重点中学的同学而言,大部分教材略显简单。《高中英语拓展读本》的编写旨在服务于对英语学习有深度要求的同学,因此所选内容相对现行通用教材,在难度上有较大幅度的提高,同时对高中阶段有意提高英语水平的同学和有英语竞赛需求的同学也会有一定的辅导作用。 《高中英语拓展读本》可以配合现行通用的教材,通过欣赏美文、品味经典、解析语言结构、扩充词汇量、加强听力训练、扩大信息输入等途径,满足同学们拓展知识面、提升英语素养的需求。读本包含12个单元,每个单元包括两个阅读篇章和一个经典选段欣赏。每个单元呈现一个主题,涉及理想信念、家庭情感、户外旅游、文化艺术、礼仪风俗、动物植物、学校教育、体育精神、伟人生平、现代科学等。所选文本内容与现行通用的教材不重复,而在信息输入量上有明显增加,以起到拓宽眼界,增加阅读量和词汇量之目的。在每个单元的开始,由两个思考题将同学们引入主题,以帮助大家做好阅读前的准备。为方便同学们的学习,在所有阅读篇章后附有单词表、词组表及注解。 对每个单元的第一阅读篇章配有以下几个方面的练习: 1.朗读与翻译 在阅读篇章中,节选短小有趣的段落,让同学们高声朗读,甚至背诵,然后尝试将段落译成通顺的中文。 2.阅读理解 针对阅读篇章设计了问题或判断题,让同学们用阅读中所获得的信息具体完整地回答这些问题,或选出问题的最佳答案,或做出正误判断。 3.生词学习 针对生词表中的部分生词编写了促进生词理解的练习。这些句子以缺词的形式出现,让同学们在理解全句的基础上,从所给单词的表格中选出合适的生词填进句子,使其完整。 4.语法结构梳理 在阅读篇章中选出若干涉及某个语法的句型,引导同学们关注这种结构,然后根据对单句的理解,进行语法解答。在书后附设的参考答案中,对该语法结构作详尽的解释。 5.翻译 针对阅读篇章中的单词和词组,编写了中文句子,让同学们将它们逐句译成英文。
华师大二附中 英语(拓展读本)(暂名)是适合对英语学习有深度要求的学生,并针对全国重点高校自主招生的较高要求而组织的教材。它是华师大课改的结晶,以讲义形式多年试用,对提升学生英语素养,大幅度提高听、说、读、写等多方面能力是行之有效的。本教材配合现行的“牛津”/“新世纪”版教材,而有所突破,突出章节主题、强化信息输入、加深语篇难度、有效梳理结构、注重听力技能、展示学生成功习作。每册均有习题及参考答案,并配一张光盘。
刘砚,毕业于华东师大外语系,从事教育工作多年,现任外语教研组组长。多年来,潜心致力于教学改革的研究与实践,为教育部的校长培训班、香港校长研习班、本市和外地中学教师和外宾开设研究课普遍得到好评。所带教的青年教师分别获得上海市和普陀区青年教师英语教学大奖赛一等奖和上海市选修课教学比赛一等奖。 参加教育教学科研课题有: 论文“改革课堂结构,提高教学效益”被收入95年全国知名中学科研联合体年会论文集。参加全国义务教育学生质量抽样调查研究课题,撰写了英语学科调查研究报告,获华东师大普教论文评选一等奖。论文“抓好学生质量评估,促进素质全面发展二附中学生质量评估综合实验报告”获97年普陀区教育科研论文二等奖。论文“情意与语境作用于高中英语课堂教学设计的探索与实践”获华东师大99年普教99年论文一等奖,发表在《上海教育》2000年第7期。论文“交谈、交互作用、交往模式”获华东师大98年普教论文二等奖,发表在上海教育科研1999年第2期。论文“人文语境与英语课堂教学”获99年全国理科试验班研讨会论文一等奖。
Chapter One Live Your Dreams Text A How to Realize Your Dream? Text B Never Too Old to Live Your Dream Text C "Hope" Is the Thing with FeathersChapter Two Human Feelings Text A My Mother's Desk Text B The Brotherly Love Text C What I Have Lived ForChapter Three Positive Attitude Text A Let Yourself Go! Text B Become More Patient Text C True NobilityChapter Four Great Outdoors Text A Great Outdoors in the United States Text B New Zealand--A Fairyland Text C The DaffodilsChapter Five Glimpse of Culture Text A American Car Culture Text B Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue! Text C Thoughts From GandhiChapter Six Animals and Plants Text A Do Fish Sleep? Text B What Makes Fall So Colorful? Text C The PeriodChapter Seven World of Arts Text A Van Gogh at the National Gallery Text B How Jazz Began Text C I Have As Much Soul As YouChapter Eight School Education Text A The Greatest Teacher Text B 21st Century Skills Text C Book - friendsChapter Nine Sports and Spirits Text A 2002 FIFA World Cup: Asia's First Finals Text B On Marion Jones' Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs Text C Sonnet 18Chapter Ten Coloful Mediums Text A Reading A Newspaper Is Cool Text B Advertising Is Creeping Onto Cell Phones Text C What Is HappinessChapter Eleven Great People Text A Biography of Martin Luther King Text B My Experience with ALS Text C I Have A DreamChapter Tweleve Science and Technology Text A Black Boxes Text B Can We Travel Back in Time? Text C Of StudiesEnglish More Iput Key
V. Translation 1.Finally he made it, but it was all done at the expense of his health. 2.They were deprived of a normal childhood by the war, 3.It felt like that we had walked for days without cease. 4.The town can lay claim to having the oldest theatre in Britain. 5.Not until the end of the 19th century did we realize the problem of energy crisis. VI. Listenung Listening One A.Blank-filling 1.phoenix 2.the start of the Olympics 3.face-lift 4. in the whole of Europe 5.perfect excuse 6. undergoing a rapid development 7.preserved 8. preserved 9.layout 10. standard ofliving 11.are obliged to B.Choices 1.D 2.A 3.C Face-lift for the Olympics A phoenix is rising from the ashes of a battered Beijing. With less than a year into the start of the Olympics, the Chinese capital is being given a twenty billion-euro face-lift. No matter where you go,you're surrounded by cranes and scaffolding. There are currently more building sites in Beijing than in the whole of Europe. The Olympics is a perfect excuse for the authorities to tum a slumbering Beijing into a 21st century capital. The country is undergoing a rapid development. On the one hand, the lustorical districts of Beijing must be preserved, This must go preserved with the modernization of the city. Some of the changes would of course affect the layout of the city. For example, widening the roads will obviously cause the destruction of old houses. As the standard of living increases though, we are obliged to modernize these traditional residences. But for many Beijingese this modenuzation is a bitter pill to swallow. Tens of thousands have been evicted from their homes. Nothing has come off them though the majority of traditional districts are still being destroyed. It's necessary to make space to accommodate the symbols of new Beijing, an opera house, an Olympic stage and towering office blocks. Of the old city little remains other than a few houses, and these completely renovated, When I was young, we had to bum charcoal to stay warm during the colder month. I remember it buming my eyes. Today though the govemment has renovated these districts and installed electricity and running water. It's much more practical. Hutong has become even more beautiful. More than a hundred million euros a year are currently earmarked for heritage protection. But many don't think it's enough and the govemment should be spending more to safeguard the city's history. One hopes that the democratic spirit-the spirit of culture and heritage protection will increase and improve. We need to protect this city's heritage and sometimes it's necessary to fight for this. On the countdowns, completion has already started. There are just three hundred days left for the excavators to finish their work, just enough time for the dust to settle before the Olympics. The authority is guarantying the work will be completed in plenty of time for the opening ceremony. Listening Two A. Choices 1.B 2.A 3.C Buy a Football Club Liverpool fans welcomed the new American owners last year. Tom Hicks and George Gillett promised money for top players, money for a new stadium and promised they were in it for the long haul. Liverpool is getting a new ground and has signed a few players. The one of Europe's premier soccer teams is currently out of the top four. Fans are fed up with the growing debts and rumors the Americans want to replace popular coach Rafael Benitez. The solution: buy the club themselves. At the upper level nobody has attempted a buyout like this, in fact anyone in the UK. And I think Liverpool people quite like, quite like doing things no one has done before. A number of smaller England clubs are already fan-owned and one Ebbsfleet Uruted was just bought for 1.7 million dollars by thousands of members of a football fan website. Each will soon be able to vote on team's strategy through the Intemet. Some big continental clubs like Barcelona are also owned by supporters, but the trend in England lately has been for wealthy businessmen to take over, Viet-American Malcolm Glazer at Manchester United, or, former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra at Manchester City, or, Englishman Briatore Ecclestone buying struggling QPR. Could Liyerpool really go the other way? I struggle to see how commercially it will work at the higher levels. It has been tried in the past with some of the administrations and some of the football league clubs. They have the supporters' power and the supporters' representative on the board. But when you get in the higher levels of, you know,200 million a year, Manchester United and above, then it really would be a drop. ……