牛津英语暑假作业(8年级) (平装)

出版时间:2007年6月1日  出版社:第1版 (2007年6月1日)  作者:史炜琼  页数:32  




  What Makes a Good Poem?  A good poem awakens the senses, allowing me to see, touch experience somethingin a powerful way. A good poem makes the ordinary and familiar extraordinary.  A poem for children——what makes it good? First, rhythm is the skeleton that holds apoem together. A strong but still interesting rhythm pleases the ear and tongue. Secondly, rhymecan be funny. It is just a neat way of completing a thought in a poem for the young It is alsogreat for reading aloud, and some attention needs to be paid to the sounds of the words them-selves. Last is the thought and the idea.  A good poem captures a certain moment , or memory, like a word photograph. Inone quick reading, a poem can give us a reminder of how it feels to breathe water like fish in astream, of how a mother uses her hand to protect a babys eye. A good poem is a photograph cap-turing the most forgettable and most unforgettable moments in our lives.  A poet is a little like a photographer who shoots a subject from an unexpected angle,Even when its subject has been written many times, poetry invites you to consider it from a newangle. The language a good poem uses is similarly fresh, surprising and memorable.



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