上海市英语特色学校测试卷汇编(5年级第2学期)(5B)(附音带1盘) (平装)

出版时间:2007年1月1日  出版社:海文音像出版社  作者:本书编写组  页数:108  


  《上海市英语特色学校测试卷汇编(5年级第2学期)(5B)》是由上海市部分外国语小学、双语实验小学和英语特色小学的老师,根据使用《英语(牛津上海版)》的教学实践汇编而成。展现了上海市经过多年“牛津英语”教学实践后的教学成果。每套测试卷由“听力练习”、“读写练习”和“口语练习”三部分组成。既有基础训练,也有拓展提高,目的是让学生更好地发展自己的语言能力,进一步学好用好“牛津英语”。  我们希望《上海市英语特色学校测试卷汇编(5年级第2学期)(5B)》能对使用《英语(牛津上海版)》的广大学生和老师有所帮助。由于时间仓促,《上海市英语特色学校测试卷汇编(5年级第2学期)(5B)》难免存在不足之处,恳请读者批评指正,并提出宝贵意见。


Test Paper 1 (A)Test Paper 1 (B)Test Paper 2 (A)Test Paper 2 (B)Test Paper 3 (A)Test Paper 3 (B)Mid-term Test Paper (A)Mid-term Test Paper (B)Revision (A)Revision (B)End-term Test Paper (A)End-term Test Paper (B)Tapescripts and answers


  Benjamin Franklin was a great American inventor (发明家), writer and scientist. Here's astory of his childhood (小时候).  As a boy, Ben loved reading. After he read a book about swimming, he soon learned toswim. He also wanted to know if there was some way to help people swim faster. He thoughtand slowly a picture of wooden paddles (木浆) grows in his mind.  He then began to work on the paddles. A few days later the paddles were ready. Ben toldhis friends that he would try the paddles out the next Saturday afternoon at Green's pond. About100 people came to the pond to watch.  Ben fixed (固定) the paddles on his hands and feet. When he got into the water, he beganto paddle. At first he swam slowly, then faster and faster until he was going through the waterlike a fish. The oeoole have never seen such fast swimming and cheered for Ben.   ……



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