
出版时间:2006-9  出版社:上海教育  作者:本书编写组  页数:164  


  随着二期课改的不断深入,中、小学英语的教学理念和实践发生了很大变化。牛津英语教材作为教育部义务教育课程标准实践教科书用书之一和上海市二期课改新教材,以其语言的原汁原味、先进科学的编写理念和版式的活泼精美深受广大一线教师和学生的欢迎。  为了更好地帮助教师和学生用好这套教材,使它的先进编写理念得到实质性的贯彻以及语言目标得到具体实现,我们组织编写了《新编牛津英语学习目标与测试》,按年级分册出版。  参加编写的人员都是来自课改第一线的教师,具有丰富的牛津英语教学实践经验。他们不仅熟悉牛津英语教材,明确新教材的教学要求,而且对学生的实际状况非常了解。他们根据学生学习的实际需要,围绕每个单元的语言点和语法知识精心编写了针对性强、形式多样的练习,其目的是帮助教师和学生检查阶段性的学习效果,及时发现自己在相应学习阶段学习上的缺漏和语言运用能力方面的不足。  本系列丛书的所有试题均着眼于基础知识,落实交际能力,有利于学生巩固教材所学知识,提高听说读写能力。题型新颖,符合各级考试的要求,是学生提高自身英语素质的好帮手。在答案及录音文本部分特别编写了学习目标,既便于学生掌握每课学习重点,也便于教师、家长了解每课教学目标,进行有的放矢的检测。  由于初次尝试,缺点和不足在所难免。热忱盼望本书的使用者及时指正,以便再版时修订。


  我们组织编写了《新编牛津英语学习目标与测试》,按年级分册出版。参加编写的人员都是来自课改第一线的教师,具有丰富的牛津英语教学实践经验。他们不仅熟悉牛津英语教材,明确新教材的教学要求,而且对学生的实际状况非常了解。他们根据学生学习的实际需要,围绕每个单元的语言点和语法知识精心编写了针对性强、形式多样的练习,其目的是帮助教师和学生检查阶段性的学习效果,及时发现自己在相应学习阶段学习上的缺漏和语言运用能力方面的不足。  本系列丛书的所有试题均着眼于基础知识,落实交际能力,有利于学生巩固教材所学知识,提高听说读写能力。题型新颖,符合各级考试的要求,是学生提高自身英语素质的好帮手。在答案及录音文本部分特别编写了学习目标,既便于学生掌握每课学习重点,也便于教师、家长了解每课教学目标,进行有的放矢的检测。


Module 1 RelationshipsUnit 1 Meet my familyUnit 2 Good friendsUnit 3 Lets goTest for Module iModule 2 My neighbourhoodUnit 1 Peoples jobsUnit 2 My homeUnit 3 My streetUnit 4 RulesTest for Module 2Mid-term examinationModule 3 Food and drinksUnit 1 Shopping at the supermarketUnit 2 Favourite food and drinksUnit 3 Good food, bad foodUnit 4 Food from other countriesTest for Module 3Module 4 Garden City and its neighboursUnit 1 Out and aboutUnit 2 HolidaysUnit 3 Festivals in ChinaUnit 4 Sports and activitiesTest for Module 4Module 5 ChangeUnit 1 Growing upUnit 2 The weatherUnit 3 Changes in ShanghaiUnit 4 How people changeTest for Module 5End-term examinationTapescripts and keys(learning focus included)


  This afternoon, wlaen the lessons were over, Peter and I didnt go home. We stayed in theschool to work for the wall-newspaper. An hour later, it was getting dark.  When we reached home, it was seven oclock. It was dark outside, but there was lightinside our house and the door was open.  Who can it be, Paul? Peter asked me, Mum and Dad have gone to a party, and theywont be back until nine oclock.  Before I could say a word, the man in the house saw Peter. He looked frightened. Thenhe smiled and said, Come in! You dont.know me, but Im your dads friend. He asked meto fetch some money for him. Luckily, the man didnt see me.  Peter went inside and began, talking to the man, and I quietly but quickly ran off to lookfor a policeman. I soon found one at the corner of the street and brought him back. The manwas still there, but when he saw the policeman, he tried to run away. The policeman stoppedhim and took him by the arm.



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