出版时间:2006-9 出版社:上海教育 作者:潘冰 著 页数:152
《新体验实用英语——教学参考书》1-4册,各册共8个单元,供使用《新体验实用英语——综合教程》1-4册的教师作为教学参考。 《新体验实用英语——教学参考书》1-4册包含了《新体验实用英语——综合教程》1-4册中各种教学参考资料、练习答案和有声材料的文本。本套书的编写原则是:教学助手,突出实用。 根据我国高职高专英语教学的实际情况,各册中每一单元在确立教学重点、难点和教学目的(Teaching Focus)之后,提供各单元与教学相关的背景资料(Background Information),随后的语言点(Language Points)则根据《综合教程》的内容同步展开,最后附有《综合教程》里所有练习的答案、汉语译文及有声材料文本,教师可以使用提供的分析、讲解、例句等轻松地完成教学任务。 Part I Teaclling FOcus以表格形式清晰地表现各单元教学目标、重点、难点,此部分的核心是学生应该掌握的英语知识和技能。在教学过程中,教师既要考虑教学进度又要重视对学生实际能力的培养;教师应该在每个教学环节,围绕本单元的教学目的和要求,培养学生的英语应用能力。
根据我国高职高专英语教学的实际情况,各册中每一单元在确立教学重点、难点和教学目的(Teaching Focus)之后,提供各单元与教学相关的背景资料(Background Information),随后的语言点(Language Points)则根据《综合教程》的内容同步展开,最后附有《综合教程》里所有练习的答案、汉语译文及有声材料文本,教师可以使用提供的分析、讲解、例句等轻松地完成教学任务。
Unit One Vocational EducationPart I Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart II Background InformationPart III Language PointsPart IV Keys to ExercisesPart V Chinese VersionPart VI TapescriptUnit Two Management Means EfficiencyPart I Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart II Background InformationPart III Language PointsPart IV Keys to ExercisesPart V Chinese VersionPart VI TapescriptUnit Three Behavior and MannersPart I Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart II Background InformationPart III Language PointsPart IV Keys to ExercisesPart V Chinese VersionPart VI TapescriptUnit Four Environmental ProtectionPart I Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart II Background InformationPart III Language PointsPart IV Keys to ExercisesPart V Chinese VersionPart VI TapescriptUnit Five Human RelationshipPart I Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart II Background InformationPart III Language PointsPart IV Keys to ExercisesPart V Chinese VersionPart VI TapescriptUnit Six Understanding SciencePart I Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart II Background InformationPartlll Language PointsPart IV Keys to ExercisesPart V Chinese VersionPart VI TapescriptUnit Seven AdvertisementPart I Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart II Background InformationPart III Language PointsPart IV Keys to ExercisesPart V Chinese VersionPart VI TapescriptUnit Eight Looking Around the WorldPart I Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart II Background InformationPartlll Language PointsPart IV Keys to ExercisesPart V Chinese VersionPart VI Tapescript
The Santa Rosa Junior College The Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) is a public, two-year junior college that was established in 1918, located in the city of Santa Rosa in Sonoma County, California. It is one of the oldest community colleges in the state, and was modeled as a "junior" version of nearby University of California at Berkeley. It was intended to be a feeder school for the U.C. system, and still is to this day, with a special program designed for the direct transfer of students to various campuses in the U.C. system upon the completion of certain prerequisites. The SRJC has a beautiful and traditional-style campus with ivy-covered brick buildings on a backdrop of rolling green lawns, dotted with ancient oak trees and redwoods. It has a remarkable number of accomplished professors for a community college, and is consistently ranked as one of the top community colleges in the nation. The school is also blessed with an unusually large grant and scholarship system that is the legacy of the Doyle family, resulting in one of the largest trusts for any community college in the nation. ……