
出版时间:2006-9  出版社:上海教育  作者:雷术海,李丹 著  页数:152  


  《新体验实用英语——教学参考书》1—4册,各册共8个单元,供使用《新体验实用英语——综合教程》1—4册的教师作为教学参考。  《新体验实用英语——教学参考书》,1—4册包含了《新体验实用英语——综合教程》1—4册中各种教学参考资料、练习答案和有声材料的文本。本套书的编写原则是:教学助手,突出实用。  根据我国高职高专英语教学的实际情况,各册中每一单元在确立教学重点、难点和教学目的(Teaching Focus)之后,提供各单元与教学相关的背景资料(Background Infolmation),随后的语言点(LanguagePoims)则根据《综合教程》的内容同步展开,最后附有《综合教程》里所有练习的答案、汉语译文及有声材料文本,教师可以使用提供的分析、讲解、例句等轻松地完成教学任务。  Part I Teaching Focus以表格形式清晰地表现各单元教学目标、重点、难点,此部分的核心是学生应该掌握的英语知识和技能。在教学过程中,教师既要考虑教学进度,又要重视对学生实际能力的培养教师应该在每个教学环节,围绕本单元的教学目的和要求,培养学生的英语应用能力。  Pa“Ⅱ Background Information是各单元的主题背景知识,主要涉及Text A和Text B的相关内容,如地点、人物、重要事件等,为教学提供了正确理解文章内容的必要背景材料。教师在具体的教学过程中,可以根据学生的不同情况作适当的选择,以使教学在最大限度上适合学生的需要。


  《新体验实用英语:教学参考书(第2册)》根据我国高职高专英语教学的实际情况,各册中每一单元在确立教学重点、难点和教学目的(Teaching Focus)之后,提供各单元与教学相关的背景资料(Background Infolmation),随后的语言点(LanguagePoims)则根据《综合教程》的内容同步展开,最后附有《综合教程》里所有练习的答案、汉语译文及有声材料文本,教师可以使用提供的分析、讲解、例句等轻松地完成教学任务。


Unit one Colleae LifePart Ⅰ Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart Ⅱ Background InformationPart Ⅲ Language PointsPart Ⅳ Keys to ExercisesPart Ⅴ Chinese VersionUnit Two CommunicationPart Ⅰ Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart Ⅱ Background InformationPart Ⅲ Language PointsPart Ⅳ Keys to ExercisesPart Ⅴ Chinese VersionUnit Three Planning and SchedulingPart Ⅰ Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart Ⅱ Background InformationPart Ⅲ Language PointsPart Ⅳ Keys to ExercisesPart Ⅴ Chinese VersionUnit Four SightseeingPart Ⅰ Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart Ⅱ Background InformationPart Ⅲ Language PointsPart Ⅳ Keys to ExercisesPartV Chinese VersionUnit FⅣe ReservationPart Ⅰ Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart Ⅱ Background InformationPart Ⅲ Language PointsPart Ⅳ Keys to ExercisesPart Ⅴ Chinese VersionUnit Six ShoppingPart l Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart Ⅱ Background InformationPart Ⅲ Language PointsPart Ⅳ Keys to ExercisesPart Ⅴ Chinese VersionUnit Seven Sports and HealthPart Ⅰ Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart Ⅱ Background InformationPart Ⅲ Language PointsPart Ⅳ Keys to ExercisesPart Ⅴ Chinese VersionUnit Eight HolidaysPart Ⅰ Teaching FocusFocus One Listen In and Speak OutFocus Two Read InFocus Three Write OutPart Ⅱ Background InformationPart Ⅲ Language PointsPart Ⅳ Keys to ExercisesPart Ⅴ Chinese Version


  It also gives a person a better appreciation of such fields as art,literature, history, human relations, and science. In doing so, a university or collegeeducation enables individuals to participate with greater understanding in community affairs.  Universities differ from colleges in that they are larger, have wider curricula, areinvolved in research activities, and grant graduate and professional as well as undergradu-ate degrees.  Degrees  Students who pass the regular program of courses receive a bachelors degree inarts, science, commerce, engineering, education, or any of several other fields. Bachelorsdegrees in law and theology are granted to those possessing a bachelors degree from acollege. Graduates may continue their course of study for at least one more year for amasters degree. A masters thesis or project may be required for a degree. The universityoffers doctors degrees and special certificates. Students may continue working for at leasttwo years beyond the masters level toward the degree of doctor of philosophy, doctor ofscience, or other types of doctorate. In graduate school, seminars give advanced studentsopportunities to do research work and then to submit their findings for evaluation andcriticism. The doctors degree is conferred on the basis of courses, seminars, a disserta-tion, and written and oral examinations.  MIT  MIT is an abbreviation for Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Address: 77Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. It is known for its engineering andcomputer science.  The mission statement of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students inscience, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will serve the nation and the worldin the 21st century.  MIT is one of the famous institutes in the world and one of the largest in the U.S.A.Its reputation for outstanding academic achievements is known world-wide and reflects theintellectual achievements of its students, as well as the world-class original researchcarried out by the staff of MIT.  MIT was founded in 1861 .The founder, William Barton Rogers, is an outstandingscientist. It is a private institute. The students come from 50 states in the U.S.A. and over100 countries. M IT enrolled new students in 1865.  MIT tries to foster the students innovation, independent research and engineeringability. There are a series of training programs, such as UROP(Undergraduate ResearchOpportunities Program), lAP(Independent Activities Period), EIP(Engineering InternshipProgram), ISP(Integrated Studies Program), RP(Reengineering Projects), etc.  Over the last five years, more than ten major construction projects have transformedthe campus. The new facilities support what is most unique about MIT: its ability to useleading-edge science and technology to tackle the worlds most challenging problems.  ……



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