
出版时间:2006-9  出版社:上海教育  作者:夏章洪 编  页数:156  


  《新体验实用英语——学学练练》(第二册)是(《新体验实用英语——综合教程》(第二册)同步自学练习用书,是教程内容的扩展和延伸。本书紧扣《新体验实用英语——综合教程》(第二册)各单元的教学内容与体例,力求巩固和扩大教材所设计的听、说、读、写、译等语言技能的训练,促进词汇、语法等语言知识与用法的学习和提高。  《新体验实用英语——学学练练》(第二册)的编排模式融合了《新体验实用英语——综合教程》(第二册)和全国高等学校应用能力考试B级的形式,因此它是配合综合教程供学生自主学习的好伴侣。本书由8个自学练习单元和3个自测练习单元组成,各单元由听力理解、词汇语法、阅读理解、中英互译、应用写作5部分组成。  听力理解由问题回答、对话理解、段落词汇填空三部分组成。词汇语法练习包括短语中英搭配、词汇和短语的填空和选择、适当形式填空等部分。阅读理解部分则包含选择、短文阅读填空和中英惯用法的搭配。翻译操练及应用写作是教材内容的补充和扩大,以达到巩固所学知识的目的。  参照英语应用能力B级考试的要求,本书加编了3套自测模拟考题,分别针对1至4单元内容、5至8单元内容、总复习各一套,以期强化归纳语言知识,使学生熟悉标准化考试的形式和内容。  全书练习突出语言技能和语言知识的综合训练,强调在听力训练的基础上进行阅读和写译技能的训练,听写、词汇等练习与教材密切配合,以达到复习巩固教材学习内容的目的。学学、练练、测测结合,能激发学生课外自学英语的积极性。  《新体验实用英语——学学练练》(第二册)是学好((新体验实用英语——综合教程》(第二册)的重要辅学必备材料,它可以帮助学生复习所学内容,扩大练习园地,开阔知识视野,提高学习兴趣。将教材与练习册很好地配合使用,一定会取得事半功倍的效果。


  《新体验实用英语:学学练练(第2册)》紧扣《新体验实用英语——综合教程》(第2册)各单元的教学内容与体例,力求巩固和扩大教材所设计的听、说、读、写、译等语言技能的训练,促进词汇、语法等语言知识与用法的学习和提高。  《新体验实用英语——学学练练》(第2册)的编排模式融合了《新体验实用英语——综合教程》(第2册)和全国高等学校应用能力考试B级的形式,因此它是配合综合教程供学生自主学习的好伴侣。《新体验实用英语:学学练练(第2册)》由8个自学练习单元和3个自测练习单元组成,各单元由听力理解、词汇语法、阅读理解、中英互译、应用写作5部分组成。


Unit One College LifePart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Two CommunicationPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Three Planning and SchedulingPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Four SightseeingPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Five ReservationPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit SixShoppingPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Seven Sports and HealthPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingUnit Eight HolidaysPart One Listening ComprehensionPart Two Vocabulary and StructurePart Three Reading ComprehensionPart Four TranslationPart Five WritingTest Yourself (Unit 1 —— Unit 4)Part I Listening ComprehensionPart II Vocabulary and StructurePart III Reading ComprehensionPart IV TranslationPart V WritingTest Yourself (Unit 5 —— Unit 8)Part I Listening ComprehensionPart II Vocabulary and StructurePart III Reading ComprehensionPart IV TranslationPart V WritingModel Test (for PRETCO—— Level B)Part Ⅰ Listening ComprehensionPart Ⅱ Vocabulary and StructurePart Ⅲ Reading ComprehensionPart Ⅳ TranslationPartY WritingKeys and Tapescript


  A great majority of our nine million college students are in school not because theywant to be or because they want to learn. They are there because it has become thething to do or because college is a pleasant place to be in; because its the only waythey can get parents or tax-payers to support them without working at a job they dontlike; because mothers want them to do so, or for some other reasons entirely notrelated to the course of studies for which college supposedly organized. Some of theprofessors and administrators estimate that no more than 25 percent of their studentsare interested in classwork. For the rest, college is at best a social center or a placewhere time can be killed, and at worst a young peoples home or even a prison thatkeeps them out of way of economic life for a few more years. I no longer accept the idea that college is the best place for all high school graduates.Just as the United States was the first nation to make great efforts to teach small childto read and write, so, during the 1950s, we became the first and the only great nationto offer higher education to all. During the 1960s we built great state university sys-tems as fast as we could. And adults—— parents, employers, high school teachersbegan to push the youth to get an education. By 1970, colleges and universities werespending more than 30 billion dollars yearly. But still only half our high school gradu-ates were going on. Now the babies have graduated from college, the rate of growth of the studentpopulation has begun to increase. To keep their universities financially supported manyinstitutions have begun to attract students by using whatever means they can. Theysell college like soap, promoting features they think students want: creative programs,an environment helpful to meaningful :personal relationships, and an education so freethat it doesnt sound like college at all.  ……



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