
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:上海教育  作者:王云霞 等 著  页数:165  


  高职高专教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,高职高专学生是我国大学生中一个十分重要的群体。针对这一群体学生的特点和培养目标,教育部于2000年颁布了《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》。该《基本要求》以培养学生实际运用语言的能力为目标,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性,为高职高专的英语教学指明了方向。  根据《基本要求》的指导思想,上海教育出版社组织编写了这套《新体验实用英语》系列教材。本教材主要由长期在一线从事大学英语和高职高专英语教学并具有丰富教学经验的教师参与编写,分为《综合教程》、《学学练练》和《教学参考书》各四册及配套的音带等。在教材的编写过程中,编写小组曾在多所高职高专院校组织英语教师进行访谈,收集、整理和分析了一线教师的意见。在此基础上制定了编写提纲并在编写过程中几易其稿。最后本教材在语言和体例上均由国内外英语教学领域资深的专家教授把关,由上海外国语大学研究生院原院长、现校党委副书记冯庆华教授以及新闻传播学院副院长张红玲老师担纲此教材的主审,上海中学国际部的Lucian Reeves,Ashley Andrien参与了书稿的审定。  《新体验实用英语》系列教材吸取了现行国内外同类教材的优点,以我国高职高专人才培养特点和教学改革的成果为依据,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性,将语言基础能力与实际涉外交际能力的培养有机地结合起来,以满足21世纪全球化社会经济发展对高职高专人才的要求。




Unit One Greetings and Introductions~Part One Listen In and Speak OutPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthMind Your MannersSection B Read MoreHelp Foreign Guests at a Formal DinnerSection C GrammarArticlesPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Two OccupationsPart One Listen In and Speak OutPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthThe Unrecognized JobSection B Read MoreBlood Pressure Goes up on MondaysSection C GrammarThere be and Have; Enough and TooPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Three Asking for and Giving DirectionsPart One Listen In and Speak OutPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthOne Man No ManSection B Read MoreGetting Lost in AmericaSection C GrammarDegrees of ComparisonPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Four Talking about, the WeatherPart One Listen In and Speak OutPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthControlling the Weather —— Mans DreamSection B Read MoreClimate and WeatherSection C GrammarModal VerbsPart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit FiveHobbiesPart One Listen In and Speak OutPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthAn Unusual HobbySection B Read MoreFinding the Hobby That s Right for YouSection C GrammarThe Simple Present Tense andthe Simple Past TensePart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Six Giving Advice and ConcensPart One Listen In and Speak OutPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthLets Run Through the RainSection B Read MoreTips on How to Give AdviceSection C GrammarThe Future Indefinite Tense andthe Past Future Indefinite TensePart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Seven Thanks and RegretsPart One Listen In and Speak OutPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthDo I Have Any Regrets in My Life?Section B Read MoreMy Dad —— the Man I Appreciate MostSection C GrammarContinuous TensePart Three Write OutWindow on CultureUnit Eight StudyPart One Listen In and Speak OutPart Two Read InSection A Read in DepthJunior Year: It s Worth the WaitSection B Read MoreImprove Your Study HabitsSection C GrammarPerfect TensePart Three Write OutWindow on Culture


  Culture Difference in Pet Raising  By Twila Godinez  Ive had a really hard time this month coming up with an article. Besidesthat, weve had a recent tragedy in our family. Our cat, Marty, that has beenwith us for almost 7 years now died a tragic death this week. I wont go into thedetails, but I have to admit that it affected me much more than I ever imagined.  Of course, after several days when I could actually talk about cats again,my husband and I discussed this strange language or culture difference. Ingeneral, life for pets (at least in the area where my husband is from) is quitedifferent from the average pet in the United States. Both my husband and I havealways had family pets, but their place in our lives is quite different. Here, ourfamily pets are considered to be an important part of the family (in fact our dogis often referred to as our little brother). In Mexico, they are often well-cared forand even loved, but do not hold such a prominent place in the family.  Another culture difference I learned early on when my husband and I weredating had to do with this importance of pets in the family.  ……



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