
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:常春藤英语教学研究中心 编  页数:226  


  英语考试各大板块的专项解读,相对于词汇的记忆和模拟题的考前自测,更具有某种不可替代性。精彩的、画龙点睛的解读能使你恍然大悟、眼前一亮,不仅能加深理解作为唯一答案的正确性,而且能体会英语的精妙,并获得举一反三、豁然开朗的启迪。许多考生临考凭第六感、靠“蒙”,这样的成绩往往是不稳定的,容易大起大落,因为应考者还没有真正弄懂题意。好的解读手册是大学生们学好英语的引路人,特别是对上课思想不易集中、外语基础不太扎实的学生,更是取得好成绩的催化剂。  大学英语四、六级考试目前已成为中国规模最大的单科考试,近年来有关此项考试改革的议论风声水起,现已尘埃落定,内容主要有:用发成绩单替代发合格证书、记分体制从100分制变成710分制、提高听力和非选择题比重等。并逐步将考生范围限制在校内,降低考试的社会考生比重。2007年1月全面实施改革后的四级考试,2007年6月全面实施改革后的六级考试。考试中实用性的要求越来越高,“彻底弄懂才能获得好成绩”这一道理会越发凸现。


完形填空篇第一章 解题思路探索完形填空的形成与发展考纲要求和考点分析考题特点和发展趋势考试基本题型解题技巧和步骤.第二章 经典样题解读Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5简短回答篇第一章 解题思路探索什么是简短回答题?命题规律分析题型及答题技巧分析第二章 经典样题解读Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4写作篇第一章 解题思路探索考纲分析一、考纲要求二、评分标准写作步骤一、审题二、列提纲三、正文写作四、检查五、如何备考第二章 经典样题解读一、段首句作文二、情景式作文三、图表式作文四、关键词作文五、标题作文六、应用文写作……


  Soup can play many roles, from comfort and sick-day food to meals-on-the-run and eventhe first of many courses in a gourmet meal. Depending on how you use it, soup canhelp you work toward your health goals or make them harder to achieve. Used well, soup canhelp you control your weight, lower your risk of cancer and heart disease, and supply the nutri-ents you need for overall health and well-being.  In studies by Barbara Rolls, at Pennsylvania State University, people were given the samefoods in either the form of a casserole or a soup. When these dishes were served as a first coursebefore lunch, people consumed about 27 percent fewer calories at lunch after a soup than after acasserole. They didn' t feel hungrier later and didn' t compensate by eating more at dinner.Rolls suggests that eating soup as a first course or as a main meal can help with weight loss inseveral ways, by filling the stomach and satisfying our sensory desire to flavor and enjoy food.  Having broccoli-cheese soup or New England clam chowder every day, however, is unlike-ly to promote a healthy weight. Soups that can help control weight contain a large volume ofrelatively low calories food. Broth-and tomato-bases soups like chicken noodle, onion, vegetableand minestrone fall into this category. Soups prepared with cheese, or even reduced-fat milkwon't do as well.  Soup is an ideal medium for getting one or more extra vegetable servings. The problem isthat many commercial "vegetable" soups contain less than half a serving of vegetables. If youlike the convenience of commercial soup, use it as a base and add vegetables leftover from a pre-vious meal, or pre-chopped from the freezer or a salad bar. Be daring by adding a half to onecup of vegetables per person to the soup as it warms. If the soup is too thick for your taste,thin it out with a little water or tomato-vegetable juice, or add a bit of instant low-sodiumbouillon, if desired, for a richer flavor.   ……



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