
出版时间:2013-4  出版社:海南出版  作者:韦恩•K. 霍伊(Wayne K. Hoy) 塞西尔•G. 马萨尔 (Cecil G. Miskel)  译者:注释 彭 韬  




Wayne K. Hoy,Cecil G. Miskel
Wayne K. Hoy, former chair of the department of educational administration, associate dean of academic affairs, and distinguished professor at Rutgers University, is now the Novice Fawcett Chair in Educational Administration at The Ohio State University. Professor Hoy received his B. A. from Lock Haven State College in 1959 and his D. Ed. from The Pennsylvania State University in 1965. His primary research interests are theory and research in administration, the sociology of organizations, and the social psychology of administration. In 1973, he received the Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching from Rutgers University; in 1987, he was given the Alumni Award for Professional Research from the Graduate School of Education; in 1991, he received the Excellence in Education Award from The Pennsylvania State University; and in 1992, he was given the Meritorious Research Award from the Eastern Educational Research Association. He is past secretary-treasurer of the National Conference of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPEA) and is past president of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). He currently serves on the editorial boards of the Educational Administration Quarterly, Journal of Educational Administration, the McGill Journal of Education, and the Journal of Research and Development in Education. Professor Hoy is coauthor with Professors D. J. Willower and T. L. Eidell of The School and Pupil Control Ideology (1967), with Patrick Forsyth of Effective Supervision: Theory into Practice (1986), and with John Tarter and Robert Kottkamp, Open Schools-Healthy Schools: Measuring Organizational Climate (1991). He has been described by the Australian Institute of Educational Administration as one of "the world's most widely read authors in the field of Educational Administration." Professor Hoy has written more than a hundred books, articles, chapters, and papers. His most recent books are Administrators Solving the Problems of Practice, (Allyn & Bacon, 1995) with C. J. Tarter; The Road to Open and Healthy Schools (Corwin, 1997) with C. J. Tarter; Quality Middle Schools (Corwin, 1998) with Dennis Sabo.
Since October 1988, Cecil G. Miskel has been dean of and a professor in the School of Education at the University of Michigan. He served the University of Utah as a professor and chairperson of the Department of Educational Administration from 1982 to 1983 and dean of the Graduate School of Education from 1983 to 1988. He holds a doctor of education degree from Oklahoma State University. In addition, to being a co-author of the five editions of Education Administration, he has published widely in a variety of scholarly journals.
韦恩•K. 霍伊,教育学博士,美国拉特格斯大学教授、系主任、学术委员会成员。塞西尔•G. 马萨尔,美国犹他州立大学教授,教育管理系主任。




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