
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:山西出版传媒集团,山西教育出版社  作者:薄鲜娥,张绍堂 编  页数:391  


  全真设计课堂上的每一分钟,让教与学完美互动,在轻松、快乐的氛围中完成你的充实学习新计划。  全面呈现教材中的每一要点,事无巨细,都给予最为充分、详细的讲解,让你感受无徽不至、非同一般的呵护。  全心解决学习中的每一困惑,真正做到有求必应,有疑必答,让你举一反三,一通百通。


[Module ]People and placesUnit 2 They' re going to the opera[Module 2] Spring FestivalUnit l We're getting ready for Spring FestivalUnit 2 What traditions do you have at Spring Festival?[Module 3]PlansUnit l What are you going to do at the weekend?Unit 2 We' re going to walk up the Great WallUnit 3 Languagein useWorkbook练习册[Module 4]Life in the futureUnit l Everyone will study at homeUnit 2 Everyone will have a small car[Module 5]My hometown and countryUnit l Shanghai is bigger than Hong KongUnit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge[Module 6]The Olympic adventureUnit l Cycling is more dangerous than swimmingUnit 2 English for the Olympic GamesUnit 3 Language in useWorkbook练习册Revision module A[Module 7] Planes, boats and trainsUnit l Tony has the longest journeyUnit 2 lt's the fastest trainUnit 3 Language in useWorkbook练习册[Module 8]My past lifeUnit l I was born in a small villageUnit 2 I was born in QuincyUnit 3 Language in use[Module 9] story timeUnit l Once upon a timeUnit 2 Goldilocks rushed out of the houseUnit 3 Language in use[Module 10]Life historyUnit l We listened to the radioUnit 2 He decided to be an actorUnit 3 Language in use[Module 11]National heroesUnit l What did Zhan Tianyou do?……[Module 12]A Holoday Journey




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