出版时间:2012-4 出版社:山西出版集团,山西教育出版社 作者:吕高珍 页数:400
遨游学海深处,登临书山巅峰。教辅图书异彩纷呈,我们为之欣喜、为之感动之余也略感忧郁:虽然花影妖娆各占春,但从“迷人眼”的“百花”中挑选资料,实在不是一件容易的事情。可否有一种能够真正从学生实际情况出发、知识脉络简单清晰、集各种典型题例于一身、解题思路与方法点拨高超、难易梯度分明、适合各层次学生使用的教辅图书呢? 于是,编委会经过多次磋商论证,确定了本丛书的编写思想和编写体例。 于是,诸多专家、学者、一线骨干教师,强强联手,精心打造。 于是,“一书拥有,别无所求”的火型系列丛书——《招牌题题库》应运而生! 它从小学到初中到高中“卷帙浩繁”,学科齐备。它的编写体例由三大模块组成: 1.必须掌握的知识点 本模块知识梳理全面、简明、条理,旨在使学生对各知识点有明确的认识,而不至于在学习中四处撒网,盲无所从。所以,编写时尽量简洁明了,重点突出,以期达到提纲挈领之效。 2.必须做的招牌题 本模块荟萃历届典型题例,题型全面,题量充足,由易到难,不同学习层次的学生可以从中各取所需。 3.必须掌握的解题方法(参考答案) 本模块是对招牌题的细致讲解。专家支招,一道题尽可能详解、多解、全解。由点到面,由此及彼,攀一反三,触类旁通。 本丛书不是试题的简单汇总,而是各学科的权威教师为学生进行的一次高屋建瓴的集体引航。这种“引航”集中体现为他们对经典题例在精心剖析的基础上,再为学生点破解题思路,传授答题技巧。 亲爱的同学们,当你拿到《招牌题题库》的时候,希望它是你知识生命里的一道大餐,是你时间生命里的最小浪静。
高一Units 1-4Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Units 5-8Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Units 9-12Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Units 13-16Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Units 17-20Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Units 21-22Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题高一期中测试高一期末测试高二Units 1-4Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Units 5-8Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Units 9-12Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Units 13-16Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Units 17-20Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Units 21-22Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题综合测试一综合测试二综合测试三综合测试四综合测试五综合测试六综合测试七综合测试八综合测试九综合测试十高三Unit 1 That must be a record!Ⅰ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 2 Crossing limitsⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 3 The land down underⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 4 Green worldⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 5 Getting the messageⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 6 Going westⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 7 A christmas carolⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 8 Learning a foreign languageⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 9 Health careⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 10 American literatureⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 11 Key to successⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 12 EducationⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 13 The mystery of the moonstoneⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 14 ZoologyⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 15 Popular youth cultureⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题Unit 16 Finding jobsⅠ. 必须掌握的知识点Ⅱ. 必须做的招牌题综合测试一综合测试二综合测试三综合测试四综合测试五综合测试六综合测试七综合测试八综合测试九综合测试十
My father died when I was nine months old, making my morn a single mother at the age of eighteen. We had little money, but my morn gave me a lot of love. Every night,she sat me on her lap and spoke the words that would change my life," Kemmons, you are certain to be a great man and you can do anything in life if you work hard enough to get it. " At fourteen, I was hit by a car and the doctors said I would never walk again. Every day,my mother spoke to me in her gentle, loving voice, telling me that no matter what those doctors said,I could walk again if I wanted to badly enough. She drove that message so deep into my heart that I finally believed her. A year later,I returned to school——walking on my own! When the Great Depression (大萧条) hit,my morn lost her job. Then I left school to support both of us. At that moment,I was determined never to be poor again. Over the years, I experienced various levels of business success. But the real turning point occurred on a vacation I took with my wife and five kids in 1951. I was dissatisfied with the second class hotels available for families and was angry that they charged an extra $2 for each child. That was too expensive for the average American family. I told my wife that I was going to open a motel for families that would never charge extra for children. There were plenty of doubters at that time. Not surprisingly, morn was one of my strongest supporters. As in any business, we experienced a lot of challenges. But with my mothers words deeply rooted in my soul, I never doubted we would succeed. Fifteen years later, we had the largest hotel system in the World-Holiday inn. In 1979 my company had !
必须掌握的知识点·必须做的招牌题·必须掌握的解题方法 全国名校一线特、高级教师联合编著。