出版时间:2007年04月 出版社:山西教育出版社 作者:陈金钊 杨福惊 页数:316 字数:256000
本丛书是在教育部颁布的新《课程标准》的框架内,紧扣各地区(课改实验区)中(高)考考纲编写而成,难易适度,设题科学,讲解详尽,信息量大;是一部英语单项过关逐个击破的经典力作。 谨以本丛书献给在中学学习及中(高)考道路上拼搏、冲刺的全国广大中学生。
One day,a farmer was walking along a road with his son Thomas.The fathersaid.“Look!There,s a horseshoe.Pick it up and put it in your bag.”Thomassaid.“It isn,t worth the trouble.’’His father said nothing but he picked it up him’self.When they got to a nearby town,they had a rest.There the farmer sold thehorseshoe and with the few pennies he bought some cherries(樱桃). The father and the son continued their way.The sun was welI up in the sky,and there wasn,t a house or even a tree where they could have a rest.Thomas felttoo thirsty to walk on.At this time.his father dropped a cherry on the ground andThomas picked it up quickly and ate it.After a while.his father dropped anothercherry and once again.his son lost no time in picking it up and putting it in hismouth. And SO they went on.The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked them up When Thomas had eaten up all the cherries,his father said tohim。“My dear son,if you had bent(弯腰)down early tO PiCk up that horseshoe,itwould not have been necessary for you to bend SO many times for the cherries.Always remember the lesson that he who does not worry about the little things willfind that he cannot do the great things.”