
出版时间:2011-12  出版社:上海科学技术文献出版社  作者:Editor-in-Chief 主编  页数:148  


  As an old Chinese saying goes: water nourishes everything-where there is water, here is a world.The Suzhou Greek, an important waterway running through the heart of Shanghai, has been nourishing the people Living along its banks throughout history. Moreover, it also has witnessed and recorded the recessions, Developments and revolutions taking place in the area. This book presents a general view of the history of the Suzhou Greek with an all0round account of the changes and development of the riverbank area-how it had flourished, how it had declined to the point of being abandoned and how it had been transferred and revived. It also offers a lively picture of the current Suzhou Greek, the “Mother River” of the Shang-hainese, which has become a rich source of creative inspiration for artists.


HistoryThe Origins of Shanghai as a Modern Metropolis The Beginnings of Public Utilities in Modern ShanghaiBridges, the Links between the Two SidesThe Formation of the Commercial and Residential Area of the North BankBanks: the Gathering Places for Ports and WarehousesThe Cradle of Shanghai Modern IndustryLegends Witnessed by the RiverCreative Industry: the Rebirth of the Suzhou Creek


苏州河是吴淞江进入上海市区段的俗称。苏州河是黄浦江主要支流,又名吴淞江,是上海境内仅次于黄浦江的第2大河。因发源于苏州附近的松陵地区,古名“松江”,又因流域在古代吴国境内,故称之为“吴淞江”。吴淞江源出太湖瓜泾口,穿过江南运河,流经吴江、苏州、吴县、昆山、嘉定、青浦等县市,在上海市区外白渡桥附近注入黄浦江。全长125公里,平均河宽约40~50米,流量平均仅10立方米/秒,旱季则接近于零。低水位时水深2米左右,是上海通往江苏南部主要水上交通线和上海市区重要航道。苏州河,一条沉淀了这个城市的繁华、往事、传说和所有的垃圾的河。    这本《苏州河(英文版)》(作者娄承浩、薛顺生)是关于介绍苏州河流域、以及上海古建筑的英文专著。



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  •   因为照片是我拍的。。惭愧惭愧

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