出版时间:2011-12 出版社:上海科学技术文献出版社 作者:薛理勇 页数:137 译者:汤海波
"The Bund":The author provides the readers with the historical chahgesof the Great Buildings along the Bund in Shanghai and themagical Stories behind them.With the old pictures On everypage,the readers can have the Same experiences with theold persons in the Same places.With the old pictures,thereaders can feel the big changes in one hundred years.Likethe other related books of the author's,it iS sure to providethe readers,who are not familiar with those buildings,witha chance to get a good knowledge of the Bund.
"The Bund"author Xue Liyong.
The Bund bclore l840
The Bund,S Destiny after ShanghS Opening Up
Foreign Commercial Architecture on the Bund
Chinese Business Buildings on the Bund
Memorial Constructions on the Bund
The Bund in the 21st Century
The Bund,S Future
外滩,位于上海市中心黄浦区的黄浦江畔,它是上海的风景线,周围还有东方明珠、金贸大厦等地标景观,是到上海观光的游客必到之地。外滩自1943年起又名为中山东一路,全长约1.5公里。它南起延安东路,北至苏州河上的外白渡桥,东临黄浦江,西面是由哥特式、罗马式、巴洛克式、中西合壁式等52幢风格迥异的古典复兴大楼所组成的旧上海时期的金融中心、外贸机构的集中带,被誉为“万国建筑博览群”。 这本《外滩(英文版)》(作者薛理勇)是关于介绍外滩的英文专著。