出版时间:2009-1 出版社:上海科学技术文献出版社 作者:胡志勇 主编 页数:259
为了给刚走出校门的大学毕业生提供一种实用、专业的符合本行业特点的英语教材,在国内相关院校的支持下,经过各位编委的共同努力,我们专门编撰了这套《实用职业英语》系列丛书。它是相关专业的职前培训推荐教材,本套丛书的主旨是为他们走上工作岗位提供一套专业性强、相对较为实用的职前培训教材,通过对本套丛书的学习,有利于已经具备一定专业基础的人员在较短时间内迅速掌握本专业的英语本领,为其早日顺利地开展对外业务打下扎实的英语基本功。本套丛书第一批暂出六个分册,分别是:会展、物流、新闻、外贸、金融、法律。第二批和第三批将陆续推出,以满足不同专业读者的需要。 本套丛书具有以下几个特点: 一、实用。本套丛书以实际应用为宗旨,简化语法点,系统介绍本专业相关的背景知识,所选的材料以提高读者的实际运用英语水平为目标,以大量的案例、票据等材料为基础编写,每册分为15-18个Unit,每个Unit又分为:Text、Notes、Baclkground、Study四个部分; 二、职业性强。本套丛书所编选的材料新、专业性强; 三、针对性强。本套丛书的课文专门按专业来编写,以讲解分析专业英语为主,突出解析本学科的重点、难点、疑点问题;Question和Dialogue紧扣Text,针对性强;图文并茂;所编选的材料注重时效性、科学性和客观性。 本套丛书由胡志勇同志提出编写思想、设计编写思路、制定详尽的编写体系,并具体指导和领导了各分册的编写工作。在编写过程中,得到了复旦大学、上海交通大学、上海外国语大学、华东师范大学、同济大学、上海财经大学等院校和上海科技文献出版社的支持和帮助。 参加本套丛书编写的人员大多是上海地区高校从事外语教学工作多年的优秀骨干,教学经验丰富,但恐于时间和水平有限,书中难免还有不妥之处,敬请英语界专家同仁和广大读者批评指正。
本书以最新实用的英语新闻材料为基础编写,内容涉及政治、经济、文化、教育、社会生活等各个方面,入选的材料注重时效性、趣味性和客观性,具有实用性强——以本专业实际运用为宗旨、职业性强、针对性强等特点。 本书共有十七个单元,每一课包括Text,Notes,Background,Study(分为两部分:根据课文内容和学生特点,设计10个有代表性的Question,并设计相关的Dialogue,使学生加深对课文的理解,巩固所学的知识),Reading Material等内容,为提高学生的阅读理解能力,在课文后加注Notes,使学生掌握必要的新闻词语,在背景知识中结合课文,介绍相关的知识,每个单元配有两篇趣味性强的Reading Material,以扩大学生的阅读量,培养阅读的兴趣。
IntroductionPrefaceUnit 1 Chinese CultureUnit 2 HealthUnit 3 The Life of Chinese PeopleUnit 4 People in ChinaUnit 5 Chinese EconomyUnit 6 TourismUnit 7 EntertainmentUnit 8 Plants and AnimalsUnit 9 EnvironmentUnit 10 EducationUnit 11 GovernmentUnit 12 BusinessUnit 13 Chinese WomenUnit 14 FamilyUnit 15 State ExchangeUnit 16 Science and TechnologyUnit 17 Social Life
"You didnt even need to walk in the main hall, because people were sweeping you along all the time," said Hou Shuangshuang, 23, an e-commerce major with long hair who was among.the students who overflowed the job fair when it opened Sunday. "At some points, your feet couldnt even touch the ground." Hou and her classmates from Zhengzhou University, along with students from other schools:in this" Henan province city about 500 miles south of Beijing, provided a dramatic e xampleof rising anxiety over employment among millions of Chinese students. After years in which graduates were ensured of a good job in the fast-growing economy, the number of degree-holders has outstripped the number of jobs, and the guarantees have evaporated. "I dont think we have a very bright future," said Yu Honghua, 23, another e-commerce major at Zhengzhou University who shoved her way into the fair. "I saw only one company that needed students who majored in e-commerce, and they just needed one person." The Labor and Social Security Ministry estimated recently that as many as 4.9 million youths will graduate from universities by the end of 2007, up by nearly 20 percent over 2006. Another 49. 5 million will graduate from high school, also a 20 percent increase. The sharp climb in graduation rates represents a dramatic improvement in the lives of many Chinese, made possible by the economic transformation that has taken place here over the past quarter-century. But indications have emerged that, booming as it is, the economy may not be able to absorb that many degree-holders into the jobs for which they are being trained. "The fact is that its very hard for college students to get the right job these days," said Zhang Xuxin, a Zhengzhou student with close-cropped hair and plastic-rimmed glasses who plans to pursue postgraduate studies next year. "You may have a job, but its very hard to have an ideal one." A waitress in a German restaurant near Beijings Ritan Park, for instance, said she has been looking for work in the computer .industry since graduating last summer, but in the rneantime,she has to serve sausages and beer to pay the rent because nothing is available in her field.