出版时间:2010-1 出版社:湖南人民出版社 作者:邱世春,喻锋平 编 页数:320
Section 1 World News1.Anger Mounts at Fate of Aung San Suu Kyi2.North Korean Nuclear Claim Draws Global Criticism3.Swine Flu Could Affect Third of Wodd‘s Population.Savs Study4.Bush Allows America to Send Mobile Phones to Cuban RelativesSection 2 National News5.G.M.Tells 1,00 Deale It Pla to Drop Them6.Obama Endo es Indefinite Detention Without Trial for Some7.MPs’ Expe es: Gordon Brown Apologises to Public on Behalf of House of Commo8.Laureate Says Primary School Tests Kill Joy of BooksSection 3 Features and Opinion9.China‘s New Rich Learn to Flaunt It10.Recriminatio and Regrets Follow Suicide of South Korean11.The Drums of Change12.The Economic SummitSection 4 EnvironmentI3.Talking Rubbish14.It May Be Too Late for China to Save the Yangtze Goddess15. Leading-edge Science: Robot Researche Join a War Many Fronts16.Political AnimalsSection 5 Business17.In a Recession,the Co umer Is Queen18.Six Key Steps in Job Interview Prep19.How to Make Money the Buffett Way20.The Search Is OnSection 6 Technology and Web21.A Web That Speaks Your Language22.Say So Long to an Old Companion: Cassette Tapes23.Cellphone Tracking Services: Friend Finder or Big Brother?24.Some Thoughts on the Lost Art of Reading AloudSection 7 Culture and Lifestyle25.Charity: New Cultural Revolution26.Why So Many America Switch Religio27.The LanQuaqes of Extinction: The World’s Endangered Tongues28.The Berlin Wall,20 Yea -After the FallSection 8 Sports and Entertainment29.Manchester United 0 Barcelona 2Match Report30.Susan Boyle Keeps Millio Switched on to Britain‘s Got Talent31.Burn More Calories in Less Time32.Terminator Salvation: The Buzz ReviewSection 9 Health and Science33.Space Shuttle: Same Old Damage,Same Old Worries34.Does Exercise Really Keep Us Heathy?35.Texting May Be Taking a Toll36.At-home Euthanasia Vets Provide a Peaceful DeathSection 10 Backgrounde37.A Chill in the Moscow Air38.Russia’s Mighty MouseAppendixBibliography