
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:湖南人民出版社  作者:肖坤学,李清平 主编  页数:270  字数:295000  




Unit 9 Language
 Reading skills Types of questions
 Lesson Thirty-three
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 TextA "Mamma" and "Papa".
 Text B Teaching Human Language to Chimpanzees
 Lesson Thirty-four
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A Language Development in the School: Oral Genres.
 Text B Second Language Acquisition
 Lesson Thirty-five
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A Bilingual Education in Canada
 Text I3 Immigration and Education
 Lesson Thirty-six
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A Language and Languages
 Text B Four Pitfalls of the Teaching of Culture Studies..,
Unit 10 Literature
 Reading Skills Interaction between the text and the reader..
 Lesson Thirty-seven
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A Romance in the Age of Electronics: Harlequin
 Text B Are Women's Novels Feminist Novels?
 Lesson Thirty-eight
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A Function of Literature
 Text B Limits of Literature
 Lesson Thirty-nine
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A Oscar Wilde
 Text B Bleak House
 Lesson Forty
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test.
 Text A Interrogating "Whiteness," Complicating "Blackness":
RemappingAmerican Culture.
 Text B Black Culture.
Unit 11 Famous Short Stories
 Reading skills Interaction with schema
 Lesson Forty-one
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A The Jack Rabbit Drive
 Text B American Puritanism
 Lesson Forty-two
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A The Grave
 Text B American Romanticism
 Lesson Forty-three
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A Lena
 Text B Ernest Hemingway(1898-1961):After the Storm
 Lesson Forty-four
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A The Tell-tale Heart
 Text B Stones
Unit 12 Religion
 Reading Skills Fast reading skills
 Lesson Forty-five
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A Christianity
 Text B The American Character
 Lesson Forty-six
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A Taoism and Modernity
 Text B The Notion of Chan
 Lesson Forty-seven
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A The Struggle within Islamism
 Text B Distinguishing Between Islam and Islamism.
 Lesson Forty-eight
 Preliminary Vocabulary Test
 Text A Universal Rights and Cultural Relativism: Hinduism and
Islam Deconstructed
 Text B What Is a Hindu Kingdom?



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