
出版时间:2006-01-01  出版社:湖南人民  作者:凌征华  页数:359  


  语言学是我国高等学校英语专业学生最怕也最难学的一门必修课,是以语言为研究对象,探讨语言的本质、属性、结构等的一门重要课程。但由于语言学涉及很多专业术语,内容也较抽象,使得教师授业解惑之时难以遂愿,学生学习时倍感艰涩。为了做到教和学的通畅,我们根据多年教学的体会,结合国内外语言学前辈的论述,编著了这本《英语语言学》。  为了提高学生对语言学的兴趣和加深对其内容的印象,我们对有些章节观点阐述上采用先例句、后定义的归纳法;并且有些章节还附上了一些图片。  《英语语言学》不仅可用于高校英语专业语言学教材,而且还可供广大英语教师及语言爱好者参考使用。


ContentsChapter 1 Language and linguistics1 What is human language2 What is linguisticsChapter 2 Language unlversals1 Semantic universals2 Phonological universals3 Syntactic universals4 Absolute universalsChapter 3 The history of English I Old English1 Languages in Britain before English2 Old EnglishChapter 4 The history of English Ⅱ Middle English1 The change from Old English to Middle English2 Modem EnglishChapter 5 Language acquisition and disordersChild language acquisition2 Language development and maturation3 Second language acquisition4 Language disorders5 ErrorsChapter 6 Communication1 Saussure's model of the speech circuit2 Shannon's and Moles' communication models3 Btihler's organon model4 Jakobson's model of communicative functionsChapter 7 Phonetics1 Artieulatory phonetics2 Articulatory phonetics--vowelsChapter 8 Phonology1 Phonemes and aUophones2 Distinctive features3 Redundant features4 Rules of phonologyChapter 9 Morphology1 Types of morphemes2 Morphology and word-formation3 Word classes and sentence functionsChapter l0 Syntax1 Introduction2 Traditional grammar



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