《教材精析精练》九年级新目标英语 全

出版时间:2005-5  出版社:东朝民教  作者:吴章鹏  页数:184  字数:320000  


引领潮流:贴近新课标理念,为学生构建开放的学习体系,充分尊重学生学习的自主地位。    与时俱进:反映各学科发展趋势,引导学生关注社会、经济、科技和生活中的现实问题。    科学实用:体例设置科学,用独到的方法突破教材中的重难点,分析精辟,习题典型,指导到位。


Unit1  How do you study for a test?Unit2  I used to be afraid of the dark.Unit3  Teenagers shoule be allowed to choose their own clothes.Unit4  What would you do?Unit5  It must belong to CarlaUnit6  I like music that I can dance to.Unit7  Where would you like to visit?Unit8  I'll help chean up the city parks.Unit9  When was it invented?Unit10  By the time I got outside,the bus had already leftUnit11  Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Unit12  You're supposed to shake hands.Unit13  Rainy days make me sad.Unit14  Have you packed yet?Unit15  We're trying to save the manatees!Unit1-Unit5素质评价Unit6-Unit10素质评价Unit11-Unit5素质评价参考答案



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