
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:青岛出版社  作者:塞尔  页数:325  译者:岳玉庆  


  就像在寒冷的早晨品尝一杯热茶或咖啡,这些真实的故事温馨怡人,催人奋起。每篇故事,都让读者分享那些普通人的幸福和快乐。阅读下面的故事,您一定会被深深地触动,倍受鼓舞:  一位妇女把她最后的五美元给了一个无家可归的男人,引起了连锁反应。  一个不和的家庭重逢团聚,找回了欢乐。  一个女管家用自己的关爱和坚强拯救了两个没有妈妈的男孩。  一个自称“普通人”的楼房清洁工开创了自己的公司,给全镇人带来了机遇和希望。  《一杯安慰献仁者:善心如水》讲述的故事,如同甘露,慰藉心灵。  《一杯安慰送仁者:善心如水》用朴实的语言,讲述普通人的真实生活故事。它内容多种多样,或感叹人们面对困境甚至生死关头的乐观和勇气,或赞美人世间的真情和互助。篇篇故事都是平凡中见伟大,读来荡气回肠,让人唏嘘不已,深受鼓舞和触动。文章大都出自名家之手,原汁原味,语言地道,是学习英语的绝佳读物。


序Angel Wings * Joyce HoltDoll Cake * Sandy KeefeWilled * Janice Lane PalkoA Bartender's Story * Kimberly RipleyThe Wonder of Now * Sue VitouPractical Magic * Christy CaballeroIncidental Kin * Brenda FritsvoldSweet Moments * Deborah H. ShouseOne Man and a Whole Lot of Somebodies * Beth Rothstein AmblerOver the Hill * Marcia E. BrownFor the Love of Pixie * Leigh P. RogersThe Picture on the Wall * Danielle R. GibbingsTo Hold and Behold * Adrian R. WardThe Greatest Man I Hardly Knew * Jean DavidsonStrawberries * April ThompsonSisters in Time * Amy JenkinsClose Encounters of the Best Kind * Shery Ma Belle ArrietaRoots for Sofia * Roberta B. UpdegraffI Won't Forget * William M. BarnesRuthie's Run * John ForrestHere and Now, If Not Always * Linda SonnaReglar Feller * Charles LangleyWhen All Is Said * Kim ZarzourThe Salvation of Jail and Kurt * Nancy GustafsonPower Ball of Love * Kelly L. StoneStopping Traffic * Gila ZalonPrince of Paupers * Sharon NesbitSo I Ask You * Nancy ScottThe Dollar Dance * Peggy MacKayGive Your Heart Away * Michelle PeterKeep Walking * Gina DaggettThe Connection * Marty DodgePassing the Halo * Anna TherienCorinna's Quilts * Susan B. MitchellThe Journey of Jake and Dora * Valerie L. MerahnWith a Little Boost from My Friends * Binsey CoteErrands of Honor * Mary StriplingThe Gloved Guitarist of Tossa de Mar * Joyce StarkSnow Angel * Dawn GoldsmithGotta Keep Paddling * Norma LewisThe Last Long Wave Good-bye * Marjorie RommelBegin Again * Marcia RudoffWarm Hearts in a Cold Winter * Kathryn Gore



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