出版社:S. Terry Canale、James H. Beaty、 S•泰瑞•卡奈尔 天津科技翻译出版有限公司,天津出版传媒集团 (2013-07出版)
S·泰瑞·卡奈尔(S. Terry Canale),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主席。詹姆斯·H·贝蒂(James H. Beaty),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主任。
Surgical Techniques and Approaches Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthopaedics List of Techniques Surgical Techniques and Approaches 1-1 Fixation of Tendon to Bone, 9 1-2 Tendon Fixation Into the Intramedullary Canal, 10 1-3 Tendon to Bone Fixation Using Locking Loop Suture, 10 1-4 Fixation of Tendon to Bone Using Wire Suture, 10 1-5 Fixation of Osseous Attachment of Tendon to Bone, 12 1-6 Removal ofa Tibial Graft, 17 1-7 Removal of Fibular Grafts, 18 1-8 Removal of an Iliac Bone Graft, 20 1-9 Approach to the Interphalangeal Joints, 22 1-10 Medial Approach to the Great Toe Metatarsophalangeal Joint, 22 1-11 Dorsomedial Approach to Great Toe Metatarsophalangeal Joint, 23 1-12 Approach to the Lesser Toe Metatarsophalangeal Joints, 23 1-13 Medial Approach to the Calcaneus, 23 1-13 Lateral Approach to the Calcaneus, 24 1-15 U-Shaped Approach to the Calcaneus, 24 1-16 Kocher Approach (Curved L), to the Calcaneus, 25 1-17 Anterolateral Approach to the Calcaneus, 25 1-18 Anterior Approach to Expose the Ankle Joint and Both Malleoli, 27 1-19 Kocher Lateral Approach to the Tarsus and Ankle, 28 1-20 Ollier Approach to the Tarsus, 28 1-21 Posterolateral Approach to the Ankle (Gatellier and Chastang), 28 1-22 Anterolateral Approach to Lateral Dome of Talus, (Tochigi,Amendola, Muir, and Saltzman), 29 1-23 Posterior Approach to the Ankle, 30 1-24 Medial Approach to the Ankle (Koenig and Schaefer), 30 1-25 Medial Approach to the Posterior Lip of the Tibia (Colonna and Ralston), 31 1-26 Anterior Approach to the Tibia, 32 1-27 Medial Approach to the Tibia (Phemister), 32 1-28 Posterolateral Approach to the Tibia (Harmon, Modified), 32 1-29 Posterior Approach to the Superomedial Region of the Tibia(Banks and Laufman), 32 1-30 Posterolateral Approach to the Fibula (Henry), 34 1-31 Anteromedial Parapatellar Approach (Von Langenbeck), 35 1-32 Subvastus (Southern), Anteromedial Approach (Erkes, as Described by Hofmann, Plaster, and Murdock), 37 1-33 Anterolateral Approach to the Knee (Kocher), 37 1-34 Posterolateral Approach to the Knee (Henderson), 39 1-35 Posteromedial Approach to the Knee (Henderson), 39 1-36 Medial Approach to the Knee (Cave), 40 1-37 Medial Approach to the Knee (Hoppenfeld and Deboer), 40 1-38 Transverse Approach to the Meniscus, 42 1-39 Lateral Approach to the Knee (Bruser), 42 ……
版权页: 插图: If a cancellous graft with one cortex is desired, elevateonly the muscles from either the inner or the outer tableof the ilium. The inner cortical table with underlying cancellous bone may be preferable, owing to body habitus.For full-thickness grafts, also strip the iliacus muscle fromthe inner table of the ilium (Fig. 1-23). When chip or sliver grafts are required, remove them withan osteotome or gouge from the outer surface of thewing of the ilium, taking only one cortex. After removal of the crest, considerable cancellous bonemay be obtained by inserting a curet into the cancellousspace between the two intact cortices. When removing a cortical graft from the outer table, firstoutline the area with an osteotome or power saw. Thenpeel the graft up with slight prying motions with a broadosteotome. Wedge grafts or full-thickness grafts may beremoved more easily with a power saw; this techniquealso is less traumatic than when an osteotome and malletare used. For this purpose, an oscillating saw or an airpowered cutting drill is satisfactory. Avoid excessive heatby irrigating with saline at room temperature. Avoidremoving too much of the crest anteriorly and leaving anunsightly deformity posteriorly (Fig. 1-24). After removal of the grafts, accurately appose and suturethe periosteum and muscular origins with strong interrupted sutures.Bleeding from the ilium is sometimes profuse; avoid usingGelfoam and bone wax and depend on wound packingand local pressure. Gelfoam and bone wax are foreignmaterials. Bone wax is said to retard bone healing, andGelfoam in large amounts has been associated withsterile serous drainage from wounds. Microcrystalline collagen has been reported to be more efficient in reducingblood loss from cancellous bone than either thrombinpowder or thrombin-soaked gelatin foam. Gentle woundsuction for 24 to 48 hours combined with meticulousobliteration of dead space is satisfactory for the management of these wounds. When harvesting bone from the posterior ilium, Colterjohn and Bednar recommended making the incision parallel to the superior cluneal nerves and perpendicular tothe posterior lilac crest (see Fig. 1-22).