
出版社:S. Terry Canale、James H. Beaty、 S•泰瑞•卡奈尔 天津科技翻译出版有限公司,天津出版传媒集团 (2013-07出版)  


S·泰瑞·卡奈尔(S. Terry Canale),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主席。詹姆斯·H·贝蒂(James H. Beaty),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主任。


THE HAND Basic Surgical Technique and Postoperative Care David L. Cannon Acute Hand Injuries David L. Cannon Flexor and Extensor Tendon Injurie David L. Cannon Fractures, Dislocations, and Ligamentous Injuries James H. Calandruccio Nerve Injuries Mark T. Jobe Wrist Disorders David L. Cannon Special Hand Disorders David L. Cannon Paralytic Hand James H. Calandruccio and Mark T. Jobe Cerebral Palsy of the Hand Mark T. Jobe Arthritic Hand James H. Calandruccio Compartment Syndromes and Volkmann Contracture Mark T. Jobe Dupuytren Contracture James H. Calandruccio Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome, and Stenosing Tenosynovitis James H. Calandruccio Tumors and Tumorous Conditions of the Hand James H. CalancIruccio and Mark T. Jobe Hand Infections David L. Cannon Congenital Anomalies of the Hand Mark T. Jobe


版权页:   插图:   The electrically powereddermatomes are not difficult to assemble and use; an inexperienced operator can cut consistently good grafts 7.5 cmwide. Skin glue is not required, but light lubrication of theskin with mineral oil or petrolatum is helpful. Bony prominences are not satisfactory donor sites with these dermatomes. The Reese drum dermatome does require skin glueand must be operated with precision, but it is excellent forcutting grafts more than 7.5 cm wide. Usually it controls thethickness of the grafts more accurately. The following suggestions are offered about this dermatome: (1) stretch the rubbertape tightly on the drum; (2) wait at least 3 minutes for theglue to dry before applying the dermatome to the skin; (3)rotate the drum slowly, and lift up gently while cutting thegraft; and (4) keep the blade from slipping around the drumto avoid being struck on the palmar side of the wrist. Whenusing either type of dermatome, cut the graft larger than therecipient area. APPLYING SPLIT-THICKNESS GRAFTS The recipient area for a split-thickness graft must have avascular bed and be free of active bleeding and gross infec-tion. If the recipient area is unsuitable, preparation mayrequire several days of enzymatic debridement, multipledressing changes, and surgical debridement to removedead and infected material. Applying mesh to the graft ishelpful if a large area is to be covered. It also allows thefree drainage of serum and blood from beneath the graft(see Fig. 65-4B).









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