出版社:S. Terry Canale、James H. Beaty、 S•泰瑞•卡奈尔 天津科技翻译出版有限公司,天津出版传媒集团 (2013-07出版)
S·泰瑞·卡奈尔(S. Terry Canale),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主席。詹姆斯·H·贝蒂(James H. Beaty),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主任。
PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURIES Peripheral Nerve InJuries MICROSURGERY Microsurgerv List of Techniques Peripheral Nerve Injuries 62-1 Epineurial Neurorrhaphy, 3082 62-2 Perineurial (Fascicular) Neurorrhaphy, 3083 62-3 Interfascicular Nerve Grafting (Millesi, Modified), 3083 62-4 Approach to the Brachial Plexus, 3090 62-5 Transfer of the Ulnar Nerve Fascicles to Nerve of the Biceps Muscle(Oberlin et al.), 3093 62-6 Double Fascicular Transfer from Ulnar and Median Nerves to Nerve of the grachialis Branches (MacKinnon and Colbert), 3094 62-7 Neurotization of the Suprascapular Nerve with the Spinal Accessory Nerve (MacKinnon and Colbert), 3095 62-8 Neurotization of the Axillary Nerve with Radial Nerve (MacKinnon and Colbert), 3096 62-9 Posterior Approach for Division of the Transverse Scapular Ligament (Swafford and Lichtman), 3097 62-10 Approach to the Axillary Nerve, 3099 62-11 Approach to the Musculocutaneous Nerve, 3099 62-12 Approach to the Radial Nerve, 3100 62-13 Approach to the Ulnar Nerve, 3104 62-14 Nerve Transfer for Ulnar Nerve Reconstruction (MacKinnon and Novak), 3105 62-15 in Situ Decompression of the Ulnar Nerve, 3106 62-16 Endoscopic Cubital Tunnel Release (Cobb), 3107 62-17 Medial Epicondylectomy, 3109 62-18 Transposition of the Ulnar Nerve, 3109 62-19 Approach to the Median Nerve, 3112 62-20 Approach to the Femoral Nerve, 3115 62-21 Approach to the Sciatic Nerve, 3117 62-22 Approach to the Common, Superficial, and Deep Peroneal Nerves, 3119 62-23 Approach to the Tibial Nerve Deep to the Soleus Muscle, 3121 Microsurgery 63-1 Microvascular Anastomosis (End-To-End), 3127 63-2 Microvascular End-To-Side Anastomosis, 3128 63-3 Microvascular Vein Grafting, 3129 63-4 Epineurial Neurorrhaphy, 3130 ……
版权页: 插图: METHODS OF CLOSING GAPS Gaps of 8 cm can be closed by mobilizing the lateral cord ofthe brachial plexus proximally into the neck and the muscu-locutaneous nerve distally to its muscular branches, byadducting the shoulder sharply, and by bringing the armanteriorly across the chest as for relaxing the brachial plexus.Occasionally, the musculocutaneous nerve can be transposedso that it no longer pierces the coracobrachialis but runsacross the axilla medial to this muscle between the biceps andbrachialis muscles. As in repair of the brachial plexus, allsutures may be inserted in the nerve ends and the wound isclosed except at the site of neurorrhaphy before the suturesare tied. Interfascicular grafting also can be done if the gap istoo wide to close by mobilization and limb positioning.RESULTS AFTER INJURY TO THE MUSCULOCUTANEOUS NERVESigns of recovery of the musculocutaneous nerve may appearat 4 to 9 months after injury. Excellent results have beenreported after repair by secondary suture or grafting. RADIAL NERVE The radial nerve, a continuation of the posterior cord of thebrachial plexus, consists of fibers from C6, C7, and C8 andsometimes T1. It is primarily a motor nerve that innervatesthe triceps; the supinators of the forearm; and the extensorsof the wrist, fingers, and thumb. This nerve is injured mostoften by fractures of the humeral shaft. Gunshot wounds arethe second most common cause of radial nerve injury. Othercauses include lacerations of the arm and proximal forearm,injection injuries, and prolonged local pressure. Entrapment syndromes of the radial nerve may developwhen the nerve or one of its branches is compressed at somepoint along its course. Compression of the radial nerve in thearm may be caused by the fibrous arch of the lateral headof the triceps muscle. The posterior interosseous nerve maybe compressed by the fibrous arcade of Frohse, fracture-dislocations or dislocations of the elbow, fractures of theforearm, Volkmann ischemic contracture, neoplasms,enlarged bursae, aneurysms, or rheumatoid synovitis of theelbow. According to Spinner, posterior interosseous nerveentrapment is of two types. In one type, all the muscles sup-plied by the nerve are completely paralyzed; these include theextensor digitorum communis, extensor indicis proprius,extensor digiti quinti, extensor carpi ulnaris, abductor pollicislongus, and extensor pollicis brevis.