
出版社:S. Terry Canale、James H. Beaty、 S•泰瑞•卡奈尔 天津科技翻译出版有限公司,天津出版传媒集团 (2013-07出版)  


S·泰瑞·卡奈尔(S. Terry Canale),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主席。詹姆斯·H·贝蒂(James H. Beaty),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主任。


THE SPINE Spinal Anatomy and Surgical Approaches Fractures, Dislocations, and Fracture-Dislocations of the Spine Arthrodesis of the Spine Pediatric Cervical Spine Scoliosis and Kyphosis Lower Back Pain and Disorders of Intervertebral Discs Infections of the Spine Other Disorders of the Spine List of Techniques Spinal Anatomy and Surgical Approaches 37-1 Anterior Transoral Approach (Spetzler), 1530 37-2 Anterior Retropharyngeal Approach (McAfee et al.), 1530 37-3 Subtotal Maxillectomy (Cocke et al.), 1533 37-4 Extended Maxillotomy, 1535 37-5 Anterior Approach, C3 to C7 (Southwick and Robinson), 1535 37-6 Anterolateral Approach to C2 to C7 (Bruneau et al.,Chibbaro et al.), 1537 37-7 Low Anterior Cervical Approach, 1537 37-8 High Transthoracic Approach, 1537 37-9 Transsternal Approach, 1537 37-10 Modified Anterior Approach to Cervicothoracic Junction(Darling et al.), 1539 37-11 Anterior Approach to the Cervicothoracic Junction Without Sternotomy (Pointillart et al.), 1540 37-12 Anterior Approach to the Thoracic Spine, 1541 37-13 Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (Mack et al.), 1542 37-14 Anterior Approach to the Thoracolumbar Junction, 1543 37-15 Anterior Retroperitoneal Approach, L1 to L5, 1544 37-16 Percutaneous Lateral Approach, L1 to L4-5 (Ozgur et al.), 1546 37-17 Anterior Transperitoneal Approach, L5 to S1, 1548 37-18 Video-Assisted Lumbar Surgery (Onimus et al.), 1550 37-19 Posterior Approach to the Cervical Spine, Occiput to C2, 1551 37-20 Posterior Approach to the Cervical Spine, C3 to C7, 1552 37-21 Posterior Approach to the Thoracic Spine, T1 to T12, 1552 37-22 Costotransversectomy, 1553 37-23 Posterior Approach to the Lumbar Spine, L1 to L5, 1553 37-24 Paraspinal Approach to the Lumbar Spine (Wiltse and Spencer), 1555 37-25 Posterior Approach to the Lumbosacral Spine, L1 to Sacrum(Wagoner), 1556 37-26 Posterior Approach to the Sacrum and Sacroiliac Joint(Ebraheim et al.), 1556 Fractures, Dislocations, and Fracture-Dislocations of the Spine 38-1 Application of Gardner-Wells Tongs, 1565 38-2 Stretch Test, 1566 38-3 Halo Vest Application, 1575 38-40ccipitocervical Fusion Using Modular Plate and Rod Construct,Segmental Fixation with Occipital Plating, C1 Lateral Mass Screw,C2 Isthmic (Pars) Screws, and Lateral Mass Fixation, 1577 …… Arthrodesis of the Spine Pediatric Cervical Saine Scoliosis and Kyphosis Lower Back Pain and Disorders of Intervertebral Discs Infections of the Spine Other Disorders of the Spine


版权页:   插图:   made after discussion with the patient and family concerningpotential risks of operative and nonoperative treatment.Delayed neurological injury has been reported in threepatients who initially received conservative treatment.We, therefore, recommend prophylactic stabilization of osodontoideum. In patients with neurological deficits, skull tractionshould be used before surgery to achieve reduction, allowrecovery of neurological function, and decrease spinal cordirritation. Achieving and maintaining reduction are probablythe most important aspects in the treatment of this anomaly. Before C1-2 fusion, the integrity of the posterior arch ofC1 must be documented. Incomplete development of the posterior ring of C1 is uncommon (three cases in 1000) but isreported to occur with increased frequency in patients withos odontoideum. POSTERIOR CERVICAL APPROACHES I ATLANTOAXIAL FUSION Many variations of two basic techniques of atlantoaxial fusionexist (Box 40-2). The Gallie and the Brooks and Jenkins techniques have been the most frequently used for posterioratlantoaxial fusion (see Figs. 40-6 to 40-8). The Gallie technique has the advantage of using only one wire passed beneaththe lamina of C1, but tightening the wire can cause the unstable C1 vertebra to displace posteriorly and fuse in a dislocatedposition (Fig. 40-6). The Brooks and Jenkins technique hasthe disadvantage of requiring sublaminar wires at C 1 and C2but gives greater resistance to rotational movement, lateralbending, and extension. The wire used varies in size from 22gauge to 18 gauge, depending on the age of the patient andthe size of the spinal canal. Songer cables also may be usedinstead of wires for the Brooks and Jenkins fusion. In a veryyoung child, wire fixation may be unnecessary; instead, thegraft is placed along the decorticated fusion site and a haloor Minerva cast is used for postoperative immobilization.









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