出版社:S. Terry Canale、James H. Beaty、 S•泰瑞•卡奈尔 天津科技翻译出版有限公司,天津出版传媒集团 (2013-07出版)
S·泰瑞·卡奈尔(S. Terry Canale),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主席。詹姆斯·H·贝蒂(James H. Beaty),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主任。
PART Ⅱ RECONSTRUCTIVE PROCEDURES OF THE HIP IN ADULTS 3 Arthroplasty of the Hip James w. Harkess and John R. Crockarell, Jr. 4 Hip Resurfacing David G. Lavelle 5 Arthrodesis of the Hip William E. Albers 6 Hip Pain in the Young Adult and Hip Preservation Surgery James L. Guyton
版权页: 插图: The width of the medullary canal also is noted becauseit may be narrow, especially in young patients, patients withdysplasia, and dwarfs. In these instances, a femoral compo-nent with a straight stem or a specially made small stem maybe needed. In Paget disease, old fractures of the femoral shaft,or congenital abnormalities, a lateral radiograph of the proxi-mal femur may reveal a significant anterior bowing that maymake preparation of the canal more difficult. If excessivebowing or a rotational deformity is present, femoral osteot-omy naay be required before or in addition to the arthroplasty.Appropriate instruments must be available to remove anyinternal fixation devices implanted during previous surgery(see the section on failed reconstructive procedures); other-wise, the procedure may be unduly prolonged. Preoperative planning should include the use of plasticoverlay templates supplied by the prosthesis manufacturer.Careful templating before surgery removes much of theguesswork during surgery and can shorten operative time byeliminating repetition of steps. The wide array of implantsizes and femoral neck lengths allows precise fitting to thepatient, but it also allows for major errors in implant sizingand limb length when used without careful planning. Tern-plating aids in selecting the type of implant that would restorethe center of rotation of the hip and provide the best femoralfit and in judging the level of bone resection and selection ofthe neck length required to restore equal limb lengths andfemoral offset.