出版社:卡奈尔 (S.Terry Canale)、 贝蒂 (James H.Beaty) 天津科技翻译出版有限公司 (2013-06出版)
S·泰瑞·卡奈尔(S. Terry Canale),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主席。詹姆斯·H·贝蒂(James H. Beaty),医学博士,教授。美国著名骨科学专家,坎贝尔骨科医院,田纳西大学骨外科学系主任。
《坎贝尔骨科手术学(影印版·第12版)1》目录: VOLUMEⅠ PART 1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1 Surgical Techniques and Approaches Andrew H. Crenshaw, Jr. 2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthopaedics Dexter H. Witte PART2 RECONSTRUCTIVE PROCEDURES OF THE HIP IN ADULTS 3 Arthroplasty of the Hip James W. Harkess and John R. Crockarell, Jr. 4 Hip Resurfacing David G. Lavelle 5 Arthrodesis of the Hip William E. Albers 6 Hip Pain in the Young Adult and Hip Preservation Surgery James L. Guyton PERT3 RECONSTRUCTIVE PROCEDURES OF THE KNEE IN ADULTS 7 Arthroplasty of the Knee William M. Mihalko 8 Arthrodesis of the Knee William E. Albers 9 Soft Tissue Procedures and Corrective Osteotomies about the Knee Andrew H, Crenshaw, Jr. PERT 4 RECONSTRUCTIVE PROCEDURES OF THE ANKLE IN ADULTS 10 Total Ankle Arthroplasty G. Andrew Murphy 11 Ankle Arthrodesis G. Andrew Murphy PERT 5 RECONSTRUCTIVE PROCEDURES OF THE SHOULDER AND ELBOW IN ADULTS 12 Shoulder and Elbow Arthroplasty Thomas W. Throckmorton 13 Arthrodesis of the Shoulder and Elbow Thomas W. Throckmorton PERT6 AMPUTATIONS 14 General Principles of Amputations Patrick C. Toy 15 Amputations of the Foot David R. Richardson 16 Amputations of the Lower Extremity Marc J. Mihalko 17 Amputations of the Hip and Pelvis Marc J. Mihalko 18 Amputations of the Upper Extremity Kevin B. Cleveland 19 Amputations of the Hand James H. Calandruccio PART 7 NFETIONS 20 General Principles of Infection Kevin B. Cleveland 21 Osteomyelitis Gregory D. Dabov 22 Infectious Arthritis Anthony A. Mascioli and Ashley L Park 23 Tuberculosis and Other Unusual Infections Marc J. Mihalko …… VOLUMEⅡ VOLUMEⅢ VOLUMEⅣ …… 《坎贝尔骨科手术学(影印版·第12版)2》 《坎贝尔骨科手术学(影印版·第12版)3》 《坎贝尔骨科手术学(影印版·第12版)4》 《实用骨折治疗指南》
版权页: 插图: The clinical experience with metal-on-metal hip arthroplasty now exceeds 40 years. Although some implants have survived with a remarkably low wear rate, others have failed because of flawed materials selection, poor manufacturing tolerances,inadequate clearance between implants, and impingement.Autopsy retrieval of implants that have survived long term has been invaluable in determining desirable features for a new generation of these implants. High-carbon (>0.20% carbon) cobalt-chromium alloy has been demonstrated to have lower wear rates than low-carbon alloys. After investment casting of high-carbon cobalt-chromium alloy, large blocky carbides are precipitated throughout the metal matrix. These carbides are approxi-mately five times harder than the metallic matrix, approximately the same as alumina ceramic. A high carbide content confers wear resistance on a metal-on-metal articulation and is a desirable feature. Wrought material has a smaller grain size with a fine, homogenous distribution of carbides. Diarnetral clearance refers to the gap between the two implants at the equator of the articulation and may be the most important variable affecting wear of the couple. Smaller clearances tend to produce fluid film lubrication and reduced wear. Inadequate clearance leads to equatorial contact between the implants, however, and the resulting high frictional torque may be responsible for the high loosening rate seen with some earlier-generation metal-on-metal implants. Conversely, too large a clearance leads to reduced surface contact, loss of effective lubrication, and more rapid wear.Current implants promote primarily polar contact with a clearance in the range of 100 to 200 μm, depending on the diameter of the head. With a monoblock metal acetabular component, elastic deformation occurring during implantation can reduce clearance. This couple also has been described as "self-healing" because minor surface damage may be polished smooth over time. Hip simulator data and retrieval analysis have yielded combined wear rates less than 10 μm/yr for modern metal-on-metal articulations. Large-diameter heads (54 mm) have been associated with reduced wear. The particle size is much smaller than polyethylene, however, and the number of partides is larger. Patients with metal-on-metal hip replacements have elevated levels of cobalt and chromium ions in serum, erythrocytes, and urine compared with patients with metal-on-polyethylene arthroplasties. The methods for measurement of these ion levels are complex, and there are no uniform standards for reporting. The long-term exposure to these ionsraises concerns of malignancies. In a long-term follow-up of 579 patients with metal-on-metal total hip replacements,Visuri et al. found no increase in cancer rates. A substantially larger series would be required to have the statistical power to rule out such an association, but at present there is no causal link between elevated metal ion levels and the development of malignancies.