
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:天津科技翻译出版公司  作者:金利 编  页数:260  




Chapter 1 Work工作
 Topic 1 All about work!你我都在忙工作。
 Topic 2 Hop for a better job.跳槽,你准备好了吗?
 Topic 3 I’m the expert Oil interviews.过关斩将的“面霸”。
 Topic 4 All abotfl career-promotion or dead—end
 Topic 5 All about career--office.politics职场生涯——办公室权术
Chapter 2 Life生活
 Topic 1 We were born after 1980s.我们是80后。
 Topic 2 Look at my empty pocket!每月月底,囊中羞涩。
 Topic 3 I’m good at bargaining.砍价,我在行。
 Topic 4 Is it hard to find a roommate?找人合租,有那么难吗?
 Topic 5 Let’s go Dutch.我们AA制吧。
Chapter 3 Romance浪漫
 Topic 1 I’ve got a little chickened out before the blind
 Topic 2 Flash marriage,yes or no?闪婚,新潮还是冒险?
 Topic 3 What’s the,future of college romance?
 Topic 4 I’m happy in my singlehood.我觉得一个人也挺好的。
 Topic 5 Are you hitting on me?搭讪——非诚勿扰。
Chapter 4 Marriage婚姻
 Topic 1 Can you get along with your mother-in-law?
 Topic 2 The never—ending dispute on house decoration.
 Topic 3 Are you for or against“Naked Marriage”?你愿意裸婚吗?
 Topic 4 It’s important to manage money!理财才是硬道理!
 Topic 5 How to defend our marriage?婚姻保卫战
Chapter 5 Interne.t网络
 Topic 1 I’m so into on—line shopping.网上购物越来越in。
 Topic 2 I’m the die.heart fan of electric gadgets.我的数码宝贝。
 Topic 3 This is a Web 2.0 era.今天你“围脖”了吗?
 Topic 4 You can learn a skill by offering others what you
 Topic 5 Do you have something to share?分享是最大的快乐。
Chapter 6 Fashion时尚
 Topic 1 Go on a tour alone.一个人旅行。
 Topic 2 My credit card got maxed out.信用卡刷爆了。
 Topic 3 Hang 0ut at second—hand stores.闲逛二手市场。
 Topic 4 Enjoy the healthy lifestyle bf LOHAS.推崇健康生活方式。
 Topic 5 SOHO!SOHO一族!
Chapter 7 Entertainment娱乐
 Topic 1 We’re a perfect match.让我们宅在一起。
 T0pic 2 Are yoU a fan of American TV series?美剧一网打尽。
 Topic 3 Keep young at heart.我们还纯真的心。
 Topic 4 YOU got a text.你有一条未读短信。
 Topic 5 She’s a mic hog.到KTV里High翻天。
Chapter 8 Emotion情感
 Topic 1 I have nothing to do with those gossips.八卦,和我无关。
 Topic 2 Don’t dump your complaint on me.我不是你的情绪垃圾桶。
 Topic 3 Are you a last—minute person?你喜欢拖沓吗?
 Topic 4 Are you the victim of social—phobia?你有社交恐惧症吗
 Topic 5 Geez,I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Chapter 9 Society社交、
 Topic 1 Do you have the road rage problem?你是路怒一族吗?
 Topic 2 Cougar women VS.Metro sexual都市熟女与城市美男
 Topic 3 High living costs made grown—ups live on their
 Topic 4 1 want ahouse of my oWn.我想有个“家”。
 Topic 5 The So-called left-over guys and ladies
Chapter 10 City城市
 Topic 1 Carpooling,the way to go!我们是“路友”。
 Topic 2 Let’S take it slow.放慢节奏,轻松生活。
 Topic 3 We are struggling to make


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