
出版时间:1999-03  出版社:天津科技翻译出版公司  译者:张金丰/等  


1. Is it a Good Way?
2. An interesting Boy
3. Mr Jenkins' Nose
4. A Naughty Boy
5. Praise
6. Ladies First
7. Why Was He Crying?
8. Two Gray Hairs
9. Julie's Prayers
10. l'm Not a Doctor
11. Where Am l?
12. Wh) Are They Learning French?
13. l'll Give it to the Lord Myself
14. Past and Future
15. A Silly Boy
16. An interesting Talk
l7. Do a Good Deed
18. The Worst Hijacker
19. Brains and Money
20. My Dog Can't Read
21. He Doesn't Want to Die
22. A Cowardly Person
23. l'm Waiting for My Children
24. You Are Lucky
25. Churchill and Bernard Shaw
26. The Last-minute Advice
27. This is Our Row
28. An interesting Will
29. Is She a Good Singer?
30. Making Up
31. l'm Not a Weatherman
32. A Teapot
33. An interesting Answer
34. Two Pieces of Cake
35. Where is the Key?
36. He is Really Very Forgetful
37. Behind the Church
38. Elephants and Vacuum Cleaners
39. Who is Silly?
40. Who is a Pig?
41. it Must Be More Terrible
42. Half Price
43. A Bad Singcr
44. Be Careful
45. Barber and Customer
46. An interesting Answer
47. lce Water
48. Is Jim Ciever?
49. First Prize
50. l'm Trying to Stop it
51. The Clever Conductor
52. Don't worry
53. l Didn't See You
54. Sharks and Crocodiles
55. Where's His Wife?
56. Is it an Accident?
57. Two Balls
58. Do You Have Experience in Flying?
59. How Do You Know?
60. It's Not That
61. An interesting Hunter
62. AClever Girl
63. What about Next Time?
64. An interesting Artist
65. l'm a Man of Few Words
66. Driver and Pastor
67. A Long Name
68. Are They Clever?
69. A Clever Driver
70. Which Color Do You Like?
71.You Are Lonely
72. Why Not Try a New Girl?
73. l Want an Introduction
74. So Do l
75. You Were Flying Too Low
76. l Wasn't Asleep
77. Swallow a Toy
78. In the Park
79. Never Waste
80. A Poor Young Man
81. Two Mistakes
82. Tit for Tat
83. Unreliable
84. An Unexpected Answer
85. Practising Polite Language
86. l Cannot See
87. Mugger
88. Save Father
89. Don't Tell Him
90. Suggestion
91. Farmer and Driver
92. The Wrong Number
93. The Employee
94. A New Car
95. How Shall l Get the Paint Off?
96. Missing the Train
97. Two Babies
98. l'm Afraid to See the Doctor
99. l Can't See Clearly
100. More Names to Remember




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