出版时间:1999-04 出版社:天津科技翻译出版公司 译者:王路/等
1. The Rich Man' s Sons
2. A Good Pupil
3. The King Who Ate Chaff
4. JIll and the Magician
5. Careful and Careless
6. N0 Fish in the Lakes
7. Time
8. Pollution
9. Computer Doctor
10. Noah Webster
11. Stay in One Place
12. The Water Cycles
13. English Language
14. Physical Fitness
15. The Olympic Games
16. The Shepherd's Daughter(I)
17. The Shepherd's Daughter(II)
18. HeUo
19. She Can't Read
20. A Doctor
21. The Postman
22. Blue Jeans
23. Habits
24. A Beggar and a Rich Man
25. Polite Wods
26. Inventor' s Trouble
27. Eating Habits
28. No Milk Today?
29. Life Cycle of a Plant
30. What Affects Plane Growth
31. Remember the Ivory-Bills
32. Everyone Is a Winner!
33. Stars: How Far? How Big?
34. Properties of Matter
35. Sugar and Spice and
36. Sidewalk Surfing
37. Types of Energy
38. Pedal Power
39. Taking Temperatures
40. Air Affects Weather
41. Stonns
42. Clesaring the Way
43. Sky Calendars
44. Following the Stars
45. An Underwater Park
46. Underground Exploring
47. Columbus
48 George Washington and War of independence(I)
49 George Washington and War of Independence(II)
50. Abraham Lincoln(I)
51. Abraham Lincoln(II)
52. Martin Luther King(I)
53. Martin Luther King(II)
54. The 4th of July
-A Day of Rejoicing
55. Henry Ford and the American Automobile
56. New York: Yesterday and Today
57. Sigmund Freud(I)
58. Sigmund Freud(II)
59. Charles Chaplin(I)
60. Charles Chaplin(II)
61. Pablo Picasso Ruiz(I)
62. Pablo Picasso Ruiz(II)
63. Socrates
64. Oxford and Cambridge, World-famous Universi-
ties (I)
65. Oxford and Cambridge, World-famous Universi-
ties (II)
66. Higher Education in America (I)
67. Higher Education in America (II)
68. Higher Educ.ation in America (III)
69. Higher Education in America (IV)
70. The History of Australia
71. Australia's Land and Climate