
出版时间:1998-06  出版社:天津科技翻译出版公司  


1 Is He a Real Man?
2 Bad Luck
3 The Smell is Terrible
4 l Have Sold 68 Cats
5 It's Not That
6 Too Dangerous
7 A Football Fan
8 We Are Triplets
9 Where is His Hat?
10 Who is That Man?
11 The Burglar and the Lawyer
12 She Has a New Husband
13 l Married Your Sister
14 I KeptMyWord
15 He Was Broke Again
16 Bicycle or Bull?
17 You Got it Again
18 Whose Ranch?
19 l Thougnt the Owner Was Dead
20 Is the Owner Silly?
21 A Silly Wife
22 A Speaking Role
23 The Boss and His Secrtary
24 No Problem
25 Do You Think So?
26 An interesting Baby-sister
27 TooSlow
28 An interesting Old man
29 Changing Diapers
30 An interesting Doctor
31 That' s What Makes it So Rare
32 What's New?
33 It Caught Fire
34 Is the Guide Right?
35 Poor Handwriting
36 He Could Fly Too
37 Can l Come Inside?
38 Two Tombs
39 He is Too Short and Fat
40 He is Too Old
41 l Was Hurrying to Get Off it
42 Who Wants to Have a Banana?
43 The Top Part
44 What'sHisWifeGoing toDo?
45 Next Life
46 An Unsuccessful Operation
47 Where's Her Mother?
48 Not a Good Cook
49 A True Politician
50 Fifteen Years Ago
51 Parent and Teacher
52 The Oldest Mom
53 Three People Burried in One Grave
54 In a Restaurant
55 l'm the Doctor
56 He Can Wash Himself
57 A Big Present
58 Saliva Would Freeze
59 Now She Knows
60 Have a "Higher" Pay
61 Call Back in Ten Years
62 Quits
63 Where Were You Monday and Tuesday?
64 Is Mrs Smith Clever?
65 No Man is Perfect
66 Twenty-six Candles
67 Let Him Go
68 ADog'sLife
69 He Knows the Reason Why
70 What's the Difference?
71 Let'sGoTogether
72 No imitation Car
73 A Young Wife
74 On Economy
75 White and Black
76 Are You Jack?
77 What is He Worried about?
78 Coat and Cold
79 Where Would You Be?
80 A Fur Coat
81 Why is She Crying?
82 The Best Way
83 We Always Shout
84 Whom Would You Save First?
85 She is Always Right
86 Before Marriage and after Marriage
87 Who is Talking All the Time?
88 Who is an idiot?
89 You Must Have Some Practice
90 Why is Her Voice Hoarse?
91 An ideal Husband
92 l Have One Already
93 Why Does His Wife Kiss Him?
94 l'm Not inquisitive
95 l Have Learned a Lot
96 A Poor Husband
97 The Result of Laziness
98 Johnny's Answer
99 What's His Pray?
100 Who is Kissing Her?
101 A Memento in the Gold Locket
102 Order the Ambiance
103 Try the New Food
104 Blooming Chickens
105 Tom Pants Better
106 An Optimist in the Desert
107 The Ducks Are Not Mine
108 Disneyland Left
109 Hospital Rules
110 Did She Start at One?
111 Pretend He is Dad
113 An Unforgettable Flight
114 A Miracle
115 Three Questions
116 A Note on the Menu
221 Two Pronouns
222 The Best Way
223 Two Seats
224 Neither Did l
225 Who is That Woman?
226 it's Yesterday's Paper
227 SheCan't SingWell
228 Why Do They Wear Masks?



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