
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:格致出版社  作者:詹姆斯·吉尔伯  页数:467  字数:634000  






第一部分 导论与制度
1 全球经济中的美国
2 第二次世界大战后的国际经济制度
第二部分 国际贸易
3 比较优势与贸易利得
4 比较优势与要素禀赋
5 超越比较优势
6 关税与配额理论
7 商业政策
8 国际贸易与劳工和环境标准
第三部分 国际金融
9 贸易与国际收支
10 汇率和汇率制度
11 开放宏观经济学导论
12 国际金融危机
第四部分 全球经济中的区域经济问题
13 北美经济一体化
14 欧盟:一体化市场
15 拉丁美洲的贸易和政策改革
16 东亚的出口导向型增长
17 世界经济中的中国和印度


版权页:   插图:   Approximately two-thirds of the trade between the United States and Mexico is intrafirm. Most of this occurs within the context of Mexico’s special export pro- cessing sector, called the maquiladora industry. Orignially limited to its border with the United States but later expanded to the whole country, the maquiladora industry began in 1965. The original purpose of the government was to generate employment along Mexico’s northern border. In the long run, the maquiladora industry became a major source of manufacturing activity, a major employer, and one of the country’s main sources of exports. The maquiladora industry is an example of an export processing zone (EPZ). In EPZs, both domestic and foreign firms produce goods for export without paying tariffs on the parts and materials they import. This allows domestic and foreign firms such as General Motors and Sony to set up in Mexico and pay no tariffs on the inputs they bring into the country from abroad, as long as they export the output. The number of firms in the export processing industry grew slowly but steadily and by 1980, fifteen years after the initial legislation, there were 620 plants with 120,000 workers. Nevertheless, the export processing industry was an exception to the dominant trend in Mexican manufacturing that remained firmly focused on production for the domestic market. Until the middle of the 1980s, Mexico’s development strategy was inward looking and most firms found that it was less profitable to export than to produce for the home market since goods sold domestically were protected from competition and goods sold abroad were not. In 1982, a financial crisis struck Mexico and policymakers began to rethink the country’s development model. Up until then, the focus on production for the domestic market caused most firms to locate near Mexico City or one or two other major urban areas such as Monterrey or Guadalajara. The choice of locations reduced their transportation costs by locating production near their final market, and allowed them to take advantage of their internal economies of scale since they operated out of only one or a small number of plants. In an unforeseen way, Mexico’s development model during the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s caused Mexico City to grow into one of the world’s largest cities and resulted in a very high proportion of the population becoming concentrated in the country’s largest urban centers.


《世纪高教•经济学英文版教材:国际经济学(第5版)(影印版)》有以下特点使之区别于业内其他优秀教材:所用方法比经济学家使用的理论工具更为广泛;融微观和宏观于一体,集中介绍核心概念;提供了更为丰富的历史和制度方面的详细资料;地理区域涵盖北美洲、欧洲、拉丁美洲、东亚、中国和印度。 《世纪高教•经济学英文版教材:国际经济学(第5版)(影印版)》由詹姆斯•吉尔伯著,通过大量且丰富的案例分析对经济制度、经济政策,以及全球经济在近期的发展进行了解说。读者无需具备高水平的数学知识即可读懂此书。



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