
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:格致出版社,上海人民出版社  作者:常春藤英语教学研究中心 编  页数:142  


  由上海、厦门、深圳、香港、台北、吉隆坡、华盛顿、迈阿密等地英语教学专业人士,联合组成的常春藤英语教学研究中心,近二十年来,在中国外语图书市场中力推英语、日语工具类的应考辅读图书,目前已逾百种,常销不衰,其中一些图书附有红蓝色彩双向助记卡,还获得了中华人民共和国的专利。  常春藤英语教学研究中心的英语教育专业人士,充分发挥与海外英语时文零距离接触的强势,密切追踪各种英语考试的最新动态,潜心研究了中考、高考、大学四级、六级、考研、托福、雅思、GRE、职称考试、自学考试、等级英语等各个层面、几十个领域的英语考试大纲要求,并盛邀国内外教学领域中的资深专家和专业高手加盟。  全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试,是由我国人力资源和社会保障部组织实施的一项外语考试,它根据英语在不同专业领域活动中的应用特点,结合专业技术人员掌握和应用英语的实际情况,对申报不同级别职称的专业技术人员的英语水平提出了不同的要求。常春藤英语教学研究中心邀约了海内外英语教学专业人士,研究了职称英语考试不同的掌握要求,特别是不同专业的应用特殊性,编写了全国英语职称考试综合类的A级本、B级本、C级本,全国英语职称考试理工类的A级本、B级本、C级本,以及全国英语职称考试卫生类的A级本、B级本、C级本,共有9种,以适合不同专业、不同程度的“实战”需求,其分类之细,推敲之深,性价比之高,在同类图书中都有着不可替代的优势。其次,在答题技术详解方面,本套书还具有更深一层的拓展。






  The question is no mere academic one. The ease, for example, with which people canehange from working in the day to working at night is a question of growing importance in in-dustry where automation calls for round-the-clock working of machines. It normaUytakes fromfive days to one week for a person to adapt to a reversed routine .of sleep and wakefulness,sleeping during the day and working at night. Unfortunately, it is often the case in industrythat shifts are changed every week; a person may work from 12 midnight to 8 a. m. oneweek, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. the next, and 4 p. m. ,to 12 midnight the third and so on. Thismeans that no sooner has he got used to one routine than he has to change to another, so thatmuch of his time is spent neither in working nor in sleeping very efficiently. The only real solution appears to be to hand over the night shift to a number of permanentnight workers. An interesting study of the domestic life and health of night-shift workers wascarried but by Brown in 1957. She found a high incidence of disturbed sleep and otherdisorders among those on alternating day and night shifts, but no abnormal occurrence of thesephenomena among those on permanent night work.


  《全国职称英语卫生类A级考试全真模拟试卷》:模拟试卷系列·职称考试  根据《全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试大纲》编写。



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