
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:立信会计出版社  作者:陈越 编  页数:320  字数:492000  




  曾任美国管理会计师协会( IMA)唯一亚裔董事;国际金融协会(Institute of Research
Association)董事;美国注册会计师协会会员(American Institute of Certified
Accountants)、美国内部审计师协会会员(lnstitute of Internal
Auditors)、英国国际会计师协会会员(Association of International


第一章 会计人员与银行往来调节专员的对话
 1.1 这些数字怎么了?!
  1.1.1 英文表达数字
  1.1.2 电子邮件/传真的机密陈述
  1.1.3 英文称谓的表达
  1.1.4 如何书写专业的、简洁明了的商务报
  1.1.5 会计专业词汇回顾
 1.2 财务分析
  1.2.1 撰写涨价通知
  1.2.2 财务分析报告
  1.2.3 企业上市信函
  1.2.4 公司并购合并通知
  1.2.5 账款相关的投诉
  1.2.6 撰写催款通知
  1.2.7 撰写汇款账户变更通知
  1.2.8 撰写保密协议
  1.2.9 撰写会议议程
  1.2.10 撰写销售报告
  1.2.11 撰写月报告书,季报告书
第二章 用英语做简报
 2.1 开场白
  2.1.1 说明简报的目的
  2.1.2 逐项简介内容摘要
  2.1.3 进入正题
 2.2 使用视听器材
  2.2.1 请观众注意某处
  2.2.2 说明幻灯片的内容
  2.2.3 为失误道歉
 2.3 图表会说话
  2.3.1 各种图表的说法与用途
  2.3.2 指出图表某部分
  2.3.3 说明图表所代表的意义
 2.4 比较事实
  2.4.1 比较差异
  2.4.3 提出因果关系
 2.5 解说图表
  2.5.1 迷你简报现场
  2.5.2 图表解说实用句
  2.5.3 实用简报情境
  2.5.4 三种常用图表
 2.6 展望未来
  2.6.1 转入某个主题
  2.6.2 展望未来
  2.6.3 表达个人意见
 2.7 提出重点与目标
  2.7.1 提到重点
  2.7.2 补充要点
  2.7.3 表明目标
 2.8 表达假定构想
  2.8.1 表达构想
  2.8.2 强调指示与建议
  2.8.3 提出议案
 2.9 总结简报
  2.9.1 重点式的总结
  2.9.2 为简报做结语
  2.9.3 结束简报
 2.10 问答时间 问与答
  2.10.1 转述观众的问题
  2.10.2 无法回答问题时
  2.10.3 结束问答时间
第三章 财务比例分析
第四章 财经精英必修的英文电话课
第五章 银行汇款英语对话
第六章 财务英语电话会议
附录 生词表


  Our business model is very successful and continues to benefit all of our stakeholders.We are executing at a high level, continuing to produce higher sales, comps and sales per square foot than our public competitors. Given our strong historical sales growth, record store development pipeline, and acceleration in store openings, we believe we are well positioned to achieve our goal of $12 billion in sales in the year 2010. Over the longer term, however, we believe the sales potential for Whole Foods Market is much greater than $12 billion as the market continues to grow and as our company continues to improve.  Our company is constantly experimenting, innovating and evolving and has a demonstrated track record of competing, executing and delivering strong results. Based on our 19 percent sales growth last year, we were pleased to learn that we moved up 38 spotsto No. 411 0n the Fortune 500 list of the largest public companies in the US. As expected,  we are going through an investment period as we accelerate our new store openings while comping against tough comparisons. We have grown our stock price at an average compound annual rate of 22 percent since gping public, and we encourage our shareholders to stay focused on the long term.  Please note that our press release includes an income statement9 balance sheet and cash flow statement, all of which are now available on our website at wholefoodsmarket com along with the scripted portion of this call.  For the first quarter, our sales increased 22 percent to $1.4 billion. This increase was driven by 15 percent. weighted average yearover-year square footage growth and 11.4 percent comparable store sales growth which was against a tough comparison of 14.7 percent comparable stores sales growth in the prior year. We continue to see healthy sales across the country. Even our stores in Southern California, which benefited from the UFCW strike last year, comped positively. Our average weekly store sales were a recor $516,000.  Our net income increased 27 percent to $49 million versus a 51% increase last year, diluted earnings per share increased 21 percent to $0. 73 against a 43 percent increase last,and we reported our fifth consecutive quarter of positive Economic Value Added which improved $3.3 million to $6.9 million. We are very pleased with our performance this quarter, particularly in light of our difficult year-over-year comparisons.  As a percentage of sales, our quarterly results for gross profit, direct store expenses, store contribution. and G&Amp; A expense were in line with our historical four-year average results.  We produced $122 million in cash from operations which allowed us to self fund $85 million in capital expenditures of which $56 million was for new stores, as well as pay $9 million to shareholders in the form of a cash dividencd.  Our balance sheet continues to improve. During the quarter, our cash balance increased $40 million to $261 million. Year over year, total assets increased 26 percent to $1.6 billion, total liabilities increased 8 percent to $508 million, and shareholders' equity increased 37 percent to $1.1 billion. At the end of the quarter, we had $101 million in long-term debt. During the quarter, approximately 137,000 of our Zero Coupon Convertible Debentures were voluntarily converted by bondholders to approximately l.5 million shares of common stock resulting in a decrease in that debt from $159 million at the end of last fiscal year to $89 million at the end of the first quarter.  ……


  您是不是面对庞大的数字和符号,不知如何用英文表述?  您是不是面对写简练易懂的email而束手无策?  您是不是对写英文财务简报发怵?  您是不是和您的外籍上司用英文沟通业务结结巴巴?  您是不是自以为拥有大量词汇而突然感到话到嘴边方恨少?  您是不是害怕参与财务话题的英语电话会议?  您是不是对即兴的财务口头简报缺乏信心?  WE'RE HERE FOR YOU!  ——Manhattan Financial English



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