出版时间:2001-5 出版社:上海科技教育出版社 作者:吴稚倩,王勇 著 页数:349
《大学英语教学大纲》明确指出:大学英语教学的目的在于培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、写、译的能力,使他们能用英语进行交流。因此,大学英语教学改革的重点就是培养学生的语言实际运用能力。学生学习外语不仅要打下扎实的语言基础,更应注重学以致用;通过学习和实践,顺利地完成从学习英语到使用英语的转变。 《大纲》同时规定:大学英语教学分为基础阶段和应用提高阶段两部分。学生在完成基础阶段的学习任务、达到英语四级或六级后,都必须修读专业英语。专业英语的学习是大学英语教学必不可少的一个组成部分,是培养学生正确使用英语的一个重要过程。专业英语阅读课程的设置可以巩固学生在基础阶段所学到的英语知识,使他们的英语学习“不断线”。 本套英语系列阅读教程是以《大学英语教学大纲》为指导,以提高学生学习英语的兴趣、培养学生语言运用能力为宗旨而设计和编写的专业英语教程,适用对象主要为已通过大学英语四级考试的学生,准备大学英语六级考试和研究生入学考试的考生,出国进修者和欲继续深造的英语爱好者。全教程分为科技、经贸、人物、报刊、文化、文学等六本分册,可以满足不同专业和不同层次读者的需要。教程中的课文选材注重科学性、知识性、趣味性和可读性。每篇课文前配有导读语,课文后编有阅读理解题、思考讨论题和英汉翻译题,并对课文中的有关生词、习惯用法与词组、专用名词及背景知识作了注释。另外,每册书后附有阅读理解题和英汉翻译题的参考答案。所以本教程既适用于专业英语的课堂教学,也不失为一套很好的英语自学课本。它对于扩大学生的知识面,提高他们的文化素质,培养其语言综合运用能力将起到积极的促进作用。
本套英语系列阅读教程是以《大学英语教学大纲》为指导,以提高学生学习英语的兴趣、培养学生语言运用能力为宗旨而设计编写,使用对象主要为已通过大学英语四级考试的学生、准备大学英语六级考试和研究生入学考试的考生、出国进修者和打算继续深造的英语爱好者。教程中所选的课文注重科学性、知识性、趣味性和可读性。每篇课文前配有导读,课文后编有阅读理解题、思考讨论题和英汉翻译题,并对课文中的有关生词、习惯用法与词组、专用名词及背景知识作了注释。另外,每册书后均附有阅读理解题和英汉翻译题的参考答案,所以本教程既适用于专业英语的课堂教学,也是一套很好的英语自学课本。它对于扩大学生的知识面,提高他们的文化素质,培养其语言综合运用能力将起到积极的促进作用。 全教程分为科技、经贸、人物、报刊、文化等六册,可以满足不同专业和不同层次读者的需要。它对于扩大学生的知识面,提高学生的文化素质,培养其语言综合运用能力将起到积极的促进作用。阅读本教程带给读者的将是轻松学习英语的快乐体验。 《文化分册》以各国文化与风情为主要内容,广泛地介绍了世界五大洲许多国家的风俗人情、自然风光及旅游胜地等。全书内容丰富多彩,文字优美流畅,由此可以了解国外文化知识,提高跨文化交际能力。
ContentsUnit OneSkiing off the Beaten TrackUnit TwoTrump, Trump, TrampUnit ThreeA Veiled ResistanceUnit FourJapanese Culture and Social LifeUnit FiveThe EskimosUnit SixApples in Cow CountryUnit SevenThat Elusive First ThanksgivingUnit EightA History Thats Worth CelebratingUnit NinePolish CultureUnit TenLand of Silver——ArgentinaUnit ElevenLeisure Activities in the UKUnit TwelveFocus on IrelandUnit ThirteenThe Greek Way of LifeUnit FourteenGerman WineUnit FifteenA Unique Island——AustraliaUnit SixteenGreat ExpectationsUnit SeventeenParisUnit EighteenThe Mysterious PyramdsUnit NineteenJewish LifeUnit TwentyMusic and Dance in AfricaKey to the Exercises
With the development of science and technology and the consequent im-provement of work efficiency, people generally have more time and money topursue various kinds of recreational activities. Yet, owing to some factors, many traditional leisure activities are out of style, and the number of newforms of entertainment is on the rise. Now people in the world have differentopinions about leisure activities and hold different attitudes towards them. The following passage will give you some information about what is happen-ing to leisure activities in the UK. Leisure activities in earlier centuries were largely conditioned by the rural and agricultural nature of British life. Village communities wereisolated and transport was either poor or nonexistent. People wereconsequently restricted to their villages and obliged to create their ownentertainments. Some of the activities were home-based, while otherswere enjoyed by the whole village. These might be added to by itin-erant players, who travelled the countryside and provided a range ofalternative spectator entertainments. Improved transportation and road conditions from the eigh-teenth century onwards enabled the rural population to travel to neigh-bouring towns where they took advantage of a variety of amusements.Spectator activities increased with the industnalization of the nineteenthcentury, as theatre, the music halls and sports developed and becameavailable to more people. The establishment of railway systems and theformation of bus companies initiated the pattern of cheap one-day tripsaround the country and to the seaside, which were to grow into themass charter and package tours of contemporary Britain. The arrival ofradio, films and television in the twentieth century resulted in a furtherhuge professional entertainments industry. In all these changes, themixture of participatory, spectator and home-based leisure activities hascontinued. Many contemporary pursuits have their roots in the culturaland social behaviour of the past, such as boxing, wrestling, cricket,football, and a wide range of athletic sports. Dancing, amateur theatreand musical events were essential parts of rural life, and were oftenassociated with the changing agricultural seasons. The traditions ofhunting, shooting and fishing have long been practised in British country life, in addition to a number of blood sports, such as dog and cock fighting and bear baiting, which are now illegal.