
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:上海科普  作者:李保卫//张黎|主编:李保卫  页数:142  


为了帮助广大初中师生把握我国目前基础教育的发展方向,领会新教学大纲有关初中英语教学的精神,我们特别邀请了一批在教学及中考阅卷第一线的、具有丰富教学经验的特、高级英语教师,编写了这套《奔腾英语·初中组合训练新设计·阅读理解与充形填空》系列读物。  本丛书以新课标为依据,紧扣教育部颁发的最新《考试说明》,又结合近年英语中考试题内容,力求新颖、全面、实用。我们相信本丛书既可供广大初中学生在平时学习及复习备考时使用,也可为广大英语教师提供很好的教学参考。  本系列读物具有如下特点:  一、设计科学,题型丰富  本丛书以新课标及最新考纲为依据,采取“完形填空+综合填空+阅读理解+任务型阅读”四合为一的编写体例,基本涵盖了初中阶段的阅读类相关题型,有利于全方位检测学生的英语阅读能力和水平。另外,本丛书内容按单元设计,既可用于教师课堂定时检测,也可用于学生同步自测。  二、选材新颖。题材广泛  本丛书阅读材料多选取国内外最新的重点、热点话题和事件,选材新颖,题材丰富多样。主要涉及科普知识、文化教育、社会生活、时文报道、史地环境、外国风情、逸闻趣事、人物传记、寓言故事以及各种应用文体,紧扣社会生活的各个方面,使学生不仅能够通过阅读与练习提高英语水平,而且还有助于激发学生的阅读兴趣,扩大知识面,拓展视野。  三、难易程度,自由掌控  为了方便学生阅读过程中查找生词,本书对文中可能影响对全文理解的关键词汇以及一些重点词汇,特别在注释中加以标注。建议学生根据自己的英语水平,自由把握,尽量不看或少看注释。而做完题目后,作为巩固词汇之用,学生可对注释中的词汇加以重点关注,以便加深印象,扩大词汇量。此外,对于文中出现的一些并不需要学生掌握的人名、地名、专有名词以及生僻词汇,则直接在文中予以标注。  四、全解全析,点拨到位  本丛书不仅给出了习题的标准答案,而且对解题思路、解题过程进行了精要分析,同时还指出了考查范围。如师在侧般的透彻详解,定能帮你扫清学习中的所有障碍。


UNIT 1  完形填空    Passage 1 森林危机(地理环境 夹叙夹议)  阅读理解    Passage 2 网络和手机对家庭的影响(科技和生活 议论文)    Passage 3 房子(家庭布置 议论文)    Passage 4 孩子教育必需家庭和社会配合(孩子教育 说明文)    Passage 5 广告——一种促销手段(宣传广告 议论文)  高考链接    Passage 6 2008•全国卷Ⅰ A篇UNIT 2  完形填空    Passage 1 珍妮的故事(人物故事 记叙文)  阅读理解    Passage 2 做有梦想并大胆追求梦想的人(梦想 议论文)    Passage 3 百岁双胞胎姐妹庆祝生日(生日庆祝 记叙文)    Passage 4 有自信才能获得丰富多彩的、完美的人生(人生观 议论文)    Passage 5 人类在海里行走、工作或居住将不再遥远(科学研究 说明文)  高考链接    Passage 6 2008全国卷ⅡA篇UNIT 3  完形填空    Passage 1 信誉卡的诞生(信誉卡起源 说明文)  阅读理解    Passage 2 假期学习的几条建议(假期学习 议论文)    Passage 3 翟志刚的太空漫步(神七 记叙文)    Passage 4 面对人生中转折,你该如何应对?(做事态度 议论文)    Passage 5 信息调整公路上的“黑客”(电脑黑客 议论文)  高考链接    Passage 6 2008北京卷D篇UNIT 4  完形填空    Passage 1 电视影响生活(社会生活 议论文)  阅读理解    Passage 2 人类和老鼠有共同的祖先(科学研究 说明文)    Passage 3 电子邮件有“副作用”(网络生活 议论文)    Passage 4 有少年“追风”现象(社会现象 议论文)    Passage 5 中国制造的“DSP”(芯片)(科技前沿 说明文)  高考链接    Passage 6 2008天津卷E篇UNIT 5UNIT 6UNIT 7UNIT 8UNIT 9UNIT 10UNIT 11UNIT 12UNIT 13UNIT 14UNIT 15UNIT 16UNIT 17UNIT 18UNIT 19UNIT 20UNIT 21UNIT 22答案与详解


  Female workers felt under greater pressure to respondthan men. Karen Renaud, a computer scientist at GlasgowUniversity, and Judith Ramsay, a psychologist at Paisley U-niversity, surveyed almost 200 workers. They concluded, "E-mail has become an essential tool in business. However,there is evidence that e-mail can exert~ a powerful hold o-ver its users and that many computer users experience stressas a result of e-mail-related pressure. "  Ms Renaud said," E-mail is the thing that now causesus the most problems in our working lives. It s an amazingtool, but it s got out of hand. E-mail troubles you. You wantto know what s in there, especially if it s from a familymember or friend, or your boss, so you break off what youare doing to read it. "  "The problem is that when you go back to what youwere doing, you ve lost your chain of thought and, ofcourse, you are less productive. People s brains get tiredfrom breaking off from something every few minutes tocheck e-mails. The more distracted you are by distrac-tions, including e-mails, then you are going to be more tiredand less productive. "  1. What would be the best title for the text?  A. British Workers Suffer "E-mail Stress".  B. More E-mails, Less Productivity.  C. Improper Use of E-mails Among British Workers.  D. How to Deal with E-mail-Related Pressure.  2. A constant flood of e-mails can make workers less pro-ductive mainly because______.  A. they can t deal with so many e-mails  B. their chain of thought is broken off  C. they are driven to work by e-mails  D. they are monitored by their bosses  3. The workers have to check their inbox often because_______.  A. it is required by the company  B. e-mail has become the main tool to do business  C. e-mail can exert a powerful hold over its users  D. they worry that they will miss something important  4. What can we learn from the passage?  A. E-mails have actually done more harm than good to companies.  B. Female workers suffer as much e-mail-related pressure as male workers.  C. If workers are distracted from their work, they ll not be so tired.  D. No good way has been found to avoid e-mail-related pressure.  I heard many parents complaining that their teenagechildren are rebelling. I wish it were so. At your age youought to be growing away from your parents. You should belearning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good lookat the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are takingthe same way of showing that they disagree with their par-ents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most ofthem are clutching at one another s hands for reassurance.  They claim they want to dress as they please. Butthey all wear the same clothes. They set off in new direc-tions in music. But somehow they all end up huddled roundlistening to the same record. Their reason for thinking oracting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd are doingit. They have come out of their cocoon into a larger co-coon.  It has become harder and harder for a teenager to standup against the popularity wave and to go his or her ownway. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. Thesedays every teenager can learn from the advertisements whata teenager should have and be. And many of today s par-ents have come to award high marks for the popularity oftheir children. All this adds up to a great barrier for theteenager who wants to find his or her own path.  But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path isworth following. You may want to listen to classical music.instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rockswhen everyone else is collecting records. You may havesome thoughts that you don t care to share at once withyour classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Popularity willcome——with the people who respect you for who you are.That is the only kind of popularity that really counts.  1. In this passage, the author wants to tell _____.  A. teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves  B. readers how to be popular with people around  C. parents how to control and guide their children  D. people how to understand and respect each other



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用户评论 (总计28条)


  •   特别是做完题后还有重点单词
  •   这个是真的很好,你做完之后会觉得其他很简单,只要你用心做
  •   这个系列的参考书都不错
  •   虽然有些短文有点难,但更有挑战性。不错!已推荐好友购买
  •   答案有解析,很详细
  •   暂时还没用到,不过内容很不错
  •   颠覆了董卓在后人心中的“坏角色”,还蛮值得一看的!
  •   很好很适合我~~~
  •   老早以前了,失败了。
  •   质量好 发货快
  •   理想
  •   包装不错,物流很快!
  •   求非常不错!
  •   用了很不错
  •   奔腾英语:高中组合训练新设计
  •   买了这本书后,感觉英语阅读能力提升了不少,感觉还不错
  •   题型新颖,组合好,与高考磨合度大,是一本好的练习书。
  •   女儿很喜欢,用了这本书英语成绩有提高。
  •   没看完,看过的内容还不错
  •   喜欢,对课外训练帮助很大
  •   里面的练习还不错,价格实惠,不过还是有一定难度的。。。。
  •   内容合适
  •   用了,朋友都觉得不错的
  •   感觉旧旧的 书题较早
  •   效果不错,价廉物美
  •   帮同学买的,但看着还行
  •   这本书事之前的 但是居然在市质检的时候 有考到 可惜我还没写到 太后悔了
  •   挺适合我的 不错

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