
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:上海科学普及出版社  作者:田华实,杨方 主编  页数:280  字数:432000  


  随着我国改革开放的小断向前推进。旅游事业也越来越兴旺地发展起来。尤其是近些年来,来自世界各地的客人涌向中国,试图揭开这块辽阔土地的神秘面纱,从而了解中国悠久的历史,以满足其难以诠释的好奇和幻想。  具有悠久而又丰富历史的中国,一直为自己无数的历史遗迹和文化遗产感到自豪。几乎在中国的每一个地方,人们都能欣赏到各种神奇的景观,以及世代相传的故事和神话。  在中国人民的辛勤努力下,中国存各个方面都发生了翻天覆地的变化。从经济、文化、教育,到生活、娱乐和休闲,人们都在尽情地享受着国泰民安、和谐安睦的生活。国家的建设和发展日新月异,人们的思想、观点、生活方式也有了很大的变化。




Part 1 China Traditional Sports中国传统体育 Ⅰ. A B rief Introdudion 1.简述 Ⅱ. Varieties of China Traditional SpoMs 2.种类多样的中国传统体育运动 China TraditionaI BalI Sports 球类运动  China TraditionaI Water-Borne Sports 水上运动 China Traditional Weight—Lifting Games 举重运动 China TraditionaI Wrestling Sports 摔跤运动 China Traditional Folk Performance 杂技运动 China Traditional Chess 棋类活动 China Traditional Activities 娱乐活动 China Traditional FestivaI Activities 节日活动 China Wushu 武术 TraditionaI Spods of Chinese NationaI Minorities 少数民族的传统运动 Chinese Rugby--Fire Cracker BalI 中国式的橄榄球——抢花炮 Throwing Bulu 打布鲁 Scrambling for a Sheep 叼羊 Pole Ball 竿球 Camel Racing 赛骆驼 Climbing a Ladder of Knives 上刀梯 Throwing Embroidered Ball 投绣球 Whistling Archery 响箭 Pearl Ball 珍珠球 Lassoing 套马 Yak Racing 赛牦牛Part 2 China Modern Sports中国当代体育 Ⅰ. A Brief Introduction 1.简述 Ⅱ. Varieties of China Modern Spods 2.种类多样的中国当代体育运动 China Basketball 中国篮球 China Volleyball 中国排球 China Table Tennis 中国乒乓球 China Badminton 中国羽毛球 China Diving 中国跳水 Chino Shooting 中国射击 Chino Gymnastics 中国体操 China Swimming  中国游泳 China Athletics 中国田径 China Fencing 中国击剑 Chino WeightLifling 中国举重


  踢毽子  Shuttlecock Kicking  huMlecock has another name shuttle ball. It is made up of a shuttle rudP der and feather. A shuttlecock rudder is made of a copper coin or a round metal plate coated with cloth or leather, while the feather is always the plume. People use two sides of the feet, kneel or tiptoe to hit the shuttlecock, anc make the shuttlecock continuously upward. That is called shuMlecock kicking.  ShuMlecock kicking had already been very popular in theSong dynasty. A lot ocreative kicking methods were invented. Gao Cheng in the Song dynasty though that many methods of shuttlecock kicking were carried on from Cuju.  The period of its most popularity was in the Cling dynasty. Then not only ther were a lot of people kicking shuttlecock, but the methods were greatly skillful. Ever the people who lived on shuttlecock kicking appeared.



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