
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:上海科学普及出版社  作者:刘飞,李凯平 主编  页数:226  




《用英语说中国-民俗》分为5章,每一章分别针对一个特定的主题,即人生礼仪、日常生活民俗、中国传统节日、民间活动与艺术、社会组织民俗。针对具有中国特色的习俗文化,每一章重点介绍它们的起源、历史、具体内容以及与之相关的文化和社会背景。《用英语说中国一民俗》以民俗作为一扇重要的窗口来帮助国内外朋友更好地了解中国。  《用英语说中国-民俗》语言平实,内容风趣,并配有大量精美的插图,使读者能够轻松愉快地领略中国民俗的奥秘与魅力。


Chapter 1 Rites of Passage人生礼仪 Birth 出生 Passage into Adulthood 成人礼 Marriage 婚礼 Funeral Customs&the Wake 葬礼及守丧习俗Chapter 2 Customs in Daily Life日常生活民俗 China’S Traditional Clothing 中国的传统服装 China’S Traditional Hairstyle,Shoes and Hats 中国的传统发型、鞋子以及帽子 General Descriptions of Chinese Food 对中国食品的大体说明 Chamderis,ics of Chinese Cuisine 中国菜肴的特点 Categories of Chinese Cuisine 中国菜肴的种类 Chinese Iea 中国茶 Chinese Dining:Beliefs and Etiquette 中国饮食:信仰与礼仪 Chinese Architedure 中国建筑 Chinese Residence 中国民居 Chinese Furniture 中国家具 Feng Shui 风水Chapter 3 Festivals中国传统节日 Spring Festival 春节 Lantern Festival 元宵节 Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节 Duanwu or Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Double Seventh Festival 七夕 Mid—Autumn Festival 中秋节 Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 Winter Solstice Festival 冬至Chapter 4 Folk Activities and Arts民间活动与艺术 General Description of Traditional Sports and Activities 对传统体育与传统活动的总体说明 Aerial Spods 空中体育运动 Equestrian Sports 马上运动 Aquatic Sports 水上运动 Land Based Sports 陆上体育活动 Taiii Quan 太极拳 Dragon Dance 舞龙 Lion Dancing 舞狮 Chinese Paper Cutting 中国的剪纸 Chinese Folk Toys 中国的民间玩具 Chinese KifeS 中国的风筝 Chinese Knot 中国结 Opera 戏曲 Sichuan Opera 川剧 Shadow Puppetry 皮影戏 Chinese Music 中国的音乐Chapter 5 Customs of Social Organization社会组织民俗 Chinese Manne 中国的礼节 Naming Taboo 避讳 Bidhday Celebration Customs 庆祝生日的习俗 Shifu 师傅/师父 Face 脸面 Guanxi 关系


Features of the Shadow Puppet ShowShadow puppetry wins the heed of an audience by its lingering music, exquisite sculpture, brisk color and lively performance.One mouth tells stories of thousands of years; a pair of hands operates millions of soldiers. This is how the shadow puppeteer works. Nicknamed the busiess of the five, Q shadow puppet troupe is mode up of five people. One operates the puppets, one ploys Q horn, a  horn, and a yueqin , one plays banhu fiddle, one is in charge of percussion instruments, and one sings. This singer assumes all the roles in the puppet show, which of course is very difficult. That is not all; the singer also ploys several of the over 20 kinds of musical instruments in a puppet show. These ancient musical instruments enhance the effect of this ancient folk art.The stage for shadow puppet is a white cloth screen on which the shadows of fiat puppets are projected. Shadow puppet looks similar to pQper-cut except that their joints are connected by thread so that they can be operated freely. The scene is simple and primitive; it is the consummate performance that attracts the audience. For example, a puppet con smoke and breathe out a smoke ring under the control of the operator. In one drQma, as a maid sits in front of a mirror, her reflection in the mirror matches her Qctions. The operator plays five puppets at the some time, each of which has three threads. Ten fingers handle 15 threads.






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  •   专门针对中国文化的一部分,写的比较实用。很喜欢。
  •   上大学时在图书馆看过,很好,给客户介绍中国时用得着
  •   内容很好,包装和印刷也很精美,值得购买。
  •   至少还能找到这样的书,也算不错了
  •   英语水平感觉一般。如果是对这两个方面感兴趣,买其中一本就可以了。不过也正是这个细节,足以证明这个系列的书很一般,甚至不是很值得去买。一个系列的书籍,还有重复内容,实属掺水。
  •   介绍的很笼统,不过翻译应该还算OK
  •   还是看英语原著比较好

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