
出版时间:2008-3  出版社:上海科普  作者:翁雪芳  页数:167  


本书是一本听力教材,帮助学生进行听力技能训练,提高听力。本教材分上下两册,共由32个单元组成。     本教材的听力内容,上册包括:住房、求职、语言学习、校园生活、娱乐、保健、电视的发明、有线电报和无线电报、环保、交通工具等;下册包括:医学发明、情感交流的重要性、育儿、自然与人造灾难、职业、著名景点介绍、经济投资、印象派艺术及其画家介绍等。所选材料大多来自纯正的语音资料。在内容上突破了我国传统的为训练听力而去听的思路。  本教材每单元有三个部分。第一部分为热身,一般选择较为简单的对话和段落,语速相对较慢,目的是让学习者有充分的时间进入状态。第二、三部分为重点内容,通常选择较为复杂、难度较高的段落,语速相对较快,目的是让学习者在进入状态后能通过较快速的听力训练,充分发挥主观能动作用,在学习科学知识的同时,提高听力,使听力学习真正成为一种享受而非累赘。


Unit 1  Which Apartment Is Better?  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Which apartment is better?  Part Ⅲ  All mod consUnit 2  Hello, Personnel Manager !  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Wal-Mart  Part Ⅲ  Hello, personnel manager!Unit 3  Is Q nick-fix Language Learning Possible?  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Is quick-fix language learning possible?  Part Ⅲ  Using a dictionaryUnit 4  Colorful School Life  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  University life  Part Ⅲ  History and development of Cambridge and OxfordUnit 5  XVhat's On  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  No smoking here, please!  Part Ⅲ  London Eye & Sydney Opera HouseUnit 6  Let's Keep Ourselves Healthy  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Preventive medicine  Part Ⅲ  Wow! Here comes the flu!Unit 7  Rubbish or Resource?  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Paper recycling  Part Ⅲ  GodsfordUnit 8  Cars and Roads  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Which seat should I take?  Part Ⅲ  Road conditions Unit 9  Ship vs. Train  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  The Titanic  Part Ⅲ  The world's longest rail lineUnit 10  Speed  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Speed (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ  Speed (Ⅱ)Unit 11  Wish You Good Viewing  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  The invention of TV (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ  The invention of TV (Ⅱ)Unit 12  People and Places  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  A trip to Asia  Part Ⅲ  The Egyptian pyramidsUnit 13  Keep in Touch (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Cable telegraph (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ  Cable telegraph (Ⅱ)Unit 14  Keep in Touch (Ⅱ)  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Wireless telegraph (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ  Wireless telegraph (Ⅱ)Unit 15  Men and Women  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Men and women (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ  Men and women (Ⅱ)Unit 16  Nature Tells Us  Part Ⅰ  Wanning up  Part Ⅱ  E1 Nino  Part Ⅲ  The sunKeys & TapescriptsUnit 1  Which Apartment Is Better?  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Which apartment is better?  Part Ⅲ  All rood consUnit 2  Hello, Personnel Manager, Please!  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Wal-Mart  Part Ⅲ  Hello, personnel manager !Unit 3  Is Q nick-fix Language Learning Possible?  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Is quick-fix language learning possible?  Part Ⅲ  Using a dictionaryUnit 4  Colorful School Life  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  University life  Part Ⅲ  History and development of Cambridge and OxfordUnit 5  What's On  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  No smoking here, Please !  Part Ⅲ  London Eye & Sydney Opera HouseUnit 6  Let's Keep Ourselves Healthy  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Preventive medicine  Part Ⅲ  Wow! Here comes the fluUnit 7  Rubbish or Resource?  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Paper recycling  Part Ⅲ  GodsfordUnit 8  Cars and Roads  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Which seat should I take?  Part Ⅲ  Road conditionsUnit 9  Ship vs. Train  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  The Titanic  Part Ⅲ  The world's longest rail lineUnit 10  Speed  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Speed (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ  Speed (Ⅱ)Unit 11  Wish You Good Viewing  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  The invention of TV (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ  The invention of TV (Ⅱ)Unit 12  People and Places  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  A trip to Asia  Part Ⅲ  The Egyptian pyramidsUnit 13  Keep in Touch (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Cable telegraph (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ  Cable telegraph (Ⅲ)Unit 14  Keep in Touch (Ⅱ)  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Wireless telegraph (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ  Wireless telegraph (Ⅱ)Unit 15  Men and Women  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  Men and women (Ⅰ)  Part Ⅲ  Men and women (Ⅱ)Unit 16  Nature Tells Us  Part Ⅰ  Warming up  Part Ⅱ  E1 Nino  Part Ⅲ  The sun



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