
出版社:杨晖、 段国重 甘肃科学技术出版社 (2012-05出版)  


Chapter One  Animation -- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs  I. Genre -- Animation  II. Film Details  III. Plot Summary  IV. Recommendation & Appreciation  V. Reviews  VI. Retrospective ReviewChapter Two  Romantic Comedy -- City Lights  I. Genre -- Romantic Comedy  II. Film Details  III. Plot Summary  IV. Recommendation & Appreciation  V. Reviews  VI. Retrospective ReviewChapter Three  Western -- The Searchers  I. Genre-- Western  II. Film Details  III. Plot Summary  IV. Recommendation & Appreciation  V. Reviews  VI. Retrospective ReviewChapter Four  Sports -- Raging Bull  I. Genre -- Sports  II. Film Details  III. Plot Summary  IV. Recommendation & Appreciation  V. Reviews  VI. Retrospective ReviewChapter Five  Mystery -- Vertigo  I. Genre-- Mystery  II. Film Details  III. Plot Summary  IV. Recommendation & Appreciation  V. Reviews  VI. Retrospective ReviewChapter Six  Fantasy -- The Wizard Of Oz  I. Genre-- Fantasy  II. Film Details  III. Plot Summary  IV. Recommendation & Appreciation  V. Reviews  VI. Retrospective ReviewChapter Seven  Science Fiction -- 2001: A Space Odyssey  I. Genre -- Science Fiction  II. Film Details  III. Plot Summary  IV. Recommendation & Appreciation  V. Reviews  Vl. Retrospective ReviewChapter Eight  Gangster--The Godfather  I. Genre -- Gangster  II. Film Details  III. Plot Summary  IV. Recommendation & Appreciation  V. Reviews  VI. Retrospective ReviewChapter Nine  Courtroom Drama -- To Kill a Mockingbird  I. Genre -- Courtroom Drama  II. Film Details  III. Plot Summary  IV. Recommendation & Appreciation  V. Reviews  VI. Retrospective ReviewChapter Ten  Epic -- Lawrence of Arabia  I. Genre-- Epic  II. Film Details  III. Plot Summary  IV. Recommendation & Appreciation  V. Reviews  VI. Retrospective Review


杨晖、段国重编著的《阅读电影》旨在引领读者走进美妙的光影故事,重温经典,思考社会,解读生命,追寻梦想,探究永恒。    《阅读电影》旨在提高对经典英语电影作品的鉴赏水平的同时,锻炼思辨能力,开拓国际视野,引发深层的文化思考,塑造独立的人生价值观。    《阅读电影》共有十章,每章内容包括:电影类型介绍,影片介绍,故事梗概,欣赏与推荐,影片评论和怀旧影评等。



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