出版时间:2004-5 出版社:甘肃科学技术出版社 作者:张利平 编著 页数:162 字数:127000
Computer Virus Scandals and Cyber scare ‘Love Bug’ Travels the Globe Love Letter Virus-a Simple Program That Rocks the World CIH Virus Attacked China's Computer Users Melissa Traced to Florida New Email Virus Bombards Mobile Phone Users Hyper-linkage:More About Computer Virus Scandals Cyber Scare Michelangelo Virus Hysteria Syndrome Man Catches Computer Virus! 'Digital Pearl Harbor' Worries Computer ExpertsTracing Computer Viruses Digital Adam and Eve First Computer Bug Remembering the Net Crash of'88 In Search of the world's Costliest Computer VirusDemysitifying Computer Viruses How Computer Worms Work-and Why They Never Die Why People Write Computer Viruses? Virus Writers Are a Varied,Global Group Who Names Viruses? What's in a Virus's Name?Everything You Need to Know! You ,Too Can Write an Anna Worm The Computer Virus of the FutureFight against Computer Viruses As New Viruses Hit,Software Scrambles to Keep Up In Computer Security,He's the Man Doctor,Doctor Firewalls A Worm Writer's Worst Friend Fighting Viruses Begins at Home Viruses Won't Be Stopped by Tougher Laws Prescription for Computer-virus Attacks Future Watch:Immune Computer Systems will the Internet Ever Be Safe from Viruses?