出版时间:2012-7 出版社:陕西人教 作者:薛金星 页数:310
《中学教材全解:7七年级英语(上)(外语教研版)(工具版)》特色: 全:首先是知识点覆盖全。真正体现了“一册在手,学习内容全有”的编写思想。其次是方法技巧规律总结全。该丛书针对重要知识点配例题讲解并总结各种方法、技巧和规律。再次是适用对象全。该丛书面向中学所有师生,内容讲解由浅人深,由易到难,既方便教师备课,又利于学生自学。 细:首先是对教材讲解细致入微。以语文科为例,小到字的读音、词的辨析,大到阅读理解和作文训练都在本书中详尽体现。其次是重点难点讲解细致,既有解题过程又有思路点拨。其三是解题方法细,一题多解,多题一法,变通训练,总结规律。 新:首先是教材新。本书以新课程标准为依据,以现行初、高中最新教材为蓝本编写。其次是体例新。紧扣教材,步步推进,设题解题,释疑解难,课后自测,迁移延伸,逐次深入。再次是题型(材料)新。书中选用的题型(材料)都是按中考、高考要求精心设计挑选的,让读者耳目一新。 透:首先是对课标考纲研究得透彻。居高临下把握教材,立足于教材,又不拘泥于教材。其次是对学生学习需求研究得透。学习目标科学可行,注重知识“点”与“面”的联系,“教”与“学”的联系。再次是对问题讲解得透,一题多问,一题多解,培养求异思维和创新思维能力。 精:首先是教材内容讲解精。真正体现围绕重点,突破难点,引发思考,启迪思维。根据考点要求,精讲精析,使学生举一反三,触类旁通。其次是问题设置精,注重典型性,避免随意性,注重迁移性,避免孤立性,实现由知识到能力的过渡。
Starter Module 1 My teacher and my friendsUnit 1 Good morning,Miss ZhouUnit 2 Good morning,I'm Chen ZhongUnit 3 This is my friend模块大归纳Starter Module 2 My English lessonUnit 1 Open your bookUnit 2 What's your number?Unit 3 How many boys are there?模块大归纳Starter Module 3 My English bookUnit 1 What's this in English?Unit 2 Can you help me,please?Unit 3 What colour is it?Starter Module 4 My everyday lifeUnit 1 What day is it today?Unit 2 What's the weather like?Unit 3 What's your favourite sport?Module 1 My classmatesUnit 1 Nice to meet youUnit 2 I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteenUnit 3 Language in useModule 2 My familyUnit 1 Is this your mum?Unit 2 These are my parents.Unit 3 Language in useModule 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty students in my classUnit 2 The library is on the left of theUnit 3 Language in useModule 4 Healthy foodUnit 1 We've got lots of applesUnit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?Module 5 My school dayUnit 2 We start work at rune o'clock模块大归纳Module 6 A trip to the zooUnit 2 The tiger lives in AsiaUnit 3 Language in useModule 7 ComputersUnit 1 How do I write my homework on theUnit 2 When do you use a computer?Module 8 Choosing presentsUnit 1 I always like birthday partiesUnit 2 She often goes to concertsUnit 3 Language in useModule 9 People and placesUnit 1 We're enjoying the school trip a lotUnit 2 They're waiting for buses or trainsModule 10 Spring FestivalUnit 1 Are you getting ready for SpringUnit 2 My mother's cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luckUnit 3 Language in use模块大归纳Revision module B